Peak Potency pics for newbs


Well-Known Member
Just in case anyone out there doesn't know what to look for- here are some pics of my Haze Hybrid (ssh x j.herer) harvested @ "Early Peak Potency". Many clear, some cloudy, no amber trichomes. Ideally, you want to harvest a bit later @ "Middle Peak Potency" when more of the trichs have gone cloudy. Anyway, enjoy the pics-


Well-Known Member
I would've gone 2 or 3 more weeks
Me too, except my room was way crowded and i needed the space- the remaining 2 plants will go another 25 days and by then they will surely be ready. This was just an "orientation pic" to show noobs the Earliest peak potency-


Well-Known Member
DSCN0648.JPG Remaining plants have about 25 days to go - gonna start flushing in 10 days- My biggest cola, under these cfl lamps-
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Well-Known Member
Hmm... my quick-dried samples do not burn as well as i would like.Leaves behind a black ash. I was thinking this is because of the fertilizer still contained within the plant. I wonder if a proper cure will greatly improve this...


Well-Known Member
Hmm... my quick-dried samples do not burn as well as i would like.Leaves behind a black ash. I was thinking this is because of the fertilizer still contained within the plant. I wonder if a proper cure will greatly improve this...
yeah it's actually cool, folks flush at the end and the plant eats itself and folks think this is good, In my chamber the plant does exactly the same thing it eats itself as it slowly dies

a proper ferment/cure is everything !!!


Well-Known Member
yeah it's actually cool, folks flush at the end and the plant eats itself and folks think this is good, In my chamber the plant does exactly the same thing it eats itself as it slowly dies

a proper ferment/cure is everything !!!
YES. Drying and curing is a chemical process, something about the release of a hydrogen atom converting the THC to THCa (psychoactive). I'm rusty on that. But the reason why you get harshness or improper burn is because the grower either dried to quickly, didn't cure long enough, or both. Many people rehydrate their buds, then dry them again, rinse and repeat. That way, the chemical process has enough time to complete.


Well-Known Member
So what can i do @ this point, being 25 days from harvest to ensure a proper ferment/cure? I was planning on starting molasses tomorrow- till harvest (maybe zero water for last 10 days).


Well-Known Member
I feed right up to the end, and then run a gallon of boiling water thru the pot and leave the plant under the light for 3 days after the boil, then I chop her. The boil does 3 things, cleans the medium (I use peat) so I can reuse it, puts the plant in self preservation ferment mode and closes all the stomata. The 3 days in the light gives the plant the proper energy to do the ferment thing and the closed stomata makes it dry slower. once dry it will taste as if it has a 7 day cure !!!


Well-Known Member
Boiling water? Really? I almost feel for my plant when i think about doing that, but your theory is interesting. Does it have to be boiling H2o?


Well-Known Member
Boiling water? Really? I almost feel for my plant when i think about doing that, but your theory is interesting. Does it have to be boiling H2o?
yes and the plant will scream, get ready for it, but it freakin works wonders


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I'm interested as well... just don't know if I have the cubes to boil my women.

They're only ladies when they're dried up smoke.