Pedophiles to serve less time than growers in Canada


Active Member
As a Canadian, this both sickens and terrifies me....

Pedophiles to serve less than growers
by The Canadian Press
Sep 27, 2011 / 5:36 pm

The Conservative government is using its majority muscle to push through Parliament a massive crime bill that provides harsher penalties for pot growers than pedophiles.

Justice Minister Rob Nicholson said the legislation, made up of nine bills that were introduced in previous years, "is an investment to better protect Canadians in their homes and make them feel safer in their communities."

But just how large an investment, and how it will impact crime levels, remain open questions.

Joe Comartin, the NDP justice critic, said the bill is an uncosted hodge-podge of measures that include the good, the bad and the ugly.

"If you're a mid-level trafficker in drugs, including marijuana, you can get up to 14 years. If you're the same person but you sexually assault, rape, a baby, you can only get up to 10 years," said Comartin.

New mandatory minimum sentences are also harsher for drug crimes, in some instances, than for sexually assaulting a child.

"That's right in this bill," said Comartin.

Tough new laws on Internet luring of children and grooming children for sexual purposes are supported across all party lines, said the NDP critic, and could have been passed before last spring's election if the Conservative-dominated Senate had acted more swiftly.

No one appears to have a firm grip on how much the new crime measures will cost. Prison expansion, new corrections officers, additional court resources and the six-figure price tag for incarcerating a prisoner for each full year all add to the bottom line.

Parliamentary Budget Officer Kevin Page said Tuesday there are big expenditures that are starting to happen, but he has not seen a price tag for the overall plan, something he says Parliament and Canadians need to know.

Page estimated that, based on the pieces of information he's cobbled together, the cost of the government's tough-on-crime agenda is upwards of $3 billion.

"What we would like to be able to do is track the spending quarter by quarter, relative to the overall plan, but we don't have that overall plan in terms of what that aggregate cost will be," he said.

Conservative MP Larry Miller made a pitch based on the legislation's gut appeal, stronger penalties for child sexual exploitation.

"I'll tell you, Mr. Speaker, as a grandfather of a six- and three-year-old granddaughter, this means a lot to somebody like me," said the rural Ontario MP.

"The stronger the laws we can make to protect our children and the vulnerable, it shouldn't even be a question as to support for this bill."

Comartin later noted that he, too, has grandchildren.

"The difference here is we could have that law in place so Larry Miller and myself and other people who are really concerned about our kids could see that (exploitation) law in place in the next few weeks, as opposed to four or six months, which is what it'll take if we keep it combined," said the New Democrat.​


i fink its f##kin daft how people like us lot that grow get more then them horrible tw#ts we are nt even a threat to people but them lot are the biggest threat goin they shudnt even b let out they need to b locked up and av the key thrown away half of them get new idenitys and relocated so u wud neva know if u had a pedo or a rapiest living on ur street this world is goin to shit im from england and even here they get a short sentence and get let out if they r good in prison and sum get there own wing in prison they shud get put on the same cell block as the murders and let them beat the shit out ov them makes me sik to fink this is happening im nt a dad or anything but me and my fiance are trying for a baby and i dnt want to be scared to let my kids go out and play in the garden but the way this world is going we will b to scared to even let themm out ov the house


New Member
I god damn knew those conservative bastards would do something so completely stupid. Fucking useless bastards.


Active Member
For a while this country was heading in the right direction, and then the conservative fucks get a majority and send us back 60 years overnight.

I just want to be able to grow my medicine in my back yard without being labeled as a criminal or a menace to society. I am one of the most peaceful people I know, and I would never hurt anybody, but to my government, I'm a threat to society. For what? Growing a goddman plant?

So much for democracy.


New Member
Well really its up to the US right now. They're being uptight about it. Once most the states allow medicinal, the government will have to follow and once they change I bet the canadian government will change too. But this could take the next 20-40 years. I'm certain I'll get to see it before I die though

Total Head

Well-Known Member
unfortunately the same can be said of some states in the us. interestingly it's usually liberal judges (in my state anyway) that are giving the diddlers leneint sentences. on the other hand those same judges tend to be lenient with growers, also. it seems like every month i turn on the news and find another diddler who got probation and an ankle bracelet for forcible rape of a child under 14 if it's a first offense. yes you read that correctly, and yes i wrote it correctly. ruin a kid's life and be out by breakfast. grow weed near a school, up to 15 years ADDED to whatever you get for just growing the shit. oh and we have people on the news weekly on their 10th dui. way to go, law.