people or things that piss you off!!!


Well-Known Member
Just a post for fun to let people vent! Someone that just pisses you off and makes you feel like if they weren't on your mind you would be HIGH lol. For instance I'm tired of my ex playing games with my head.. lol
Justin Bieber...i wanna shoot him in the face...the US govt..Lady Gaga...aaaaaannnnnnnnddd Christmas just bc i work in retail and Black Friday is like a nightmare
low yeilds
bank overdraft charges
SKY putting their prices up 3 days after i joined
my job

i could go on forever haha

yess def overdraft charges...fuckin theivin basterds...banks get millions in bailout dollars and then charge me 40 bucks for a 5 dollar charge FUCK BANKS im buyin a wall safe lolz
lots of things that piss me off... can't think of them now because don gin and ton's avatar makes me very happy
Just a post for fun to let people vent! Someone that just pisses you off and makes you feel like if they weren't on your mind you would be HIGH lol. For instance I'm tired of my ex playing games with my head.. lol
Life is to short to waste my time being pissed off most things I can't change any way so I just smile and smoke one. I do want to thank every one here for all the help. have a nice day
sometimes it just feels good to say FUCK OFF lol if it wasn't so dam windy out I'd go for a nice walk and smoke till i forgot what i was doing lol
People that steal and look you in the eyes,Man to Man,and say to you,"I didnt do it"

Fuck that shit. Makes me feel like a complete asshole!