Peppers growing slowly

Carolina Dream'n

Well-Known Member
Hm interesting, didn't know that! I'll be sure to watch phosphorus more closely. They get full sun from 8:30/9 am to sunset (around 8:30pm). What about nitrogen? I haven't been giving practically any N because one of my tomato plants started to claw and read online most fruiting plants are very sensitive to it. But the leaves on my jalapeno are a little yellowish. I will say though that they're looking better than when I started this thread... I looked today and found some little jalapenos and red peppers growing (although you guys told me to pinch them off... I can't bare to do it now lol).
Are you growing organic? Top dress with some vegan mix from DownToEarth once a month if so. It's npk is 3-2-2, a good base to add from their. Use kelp meal with a npk of 1-0-2 for peppers(with vegan mix) Cotton seed meal for corn. (6-0-1. Oyster shell flour for all fruit bearing plants.