Perfect leaves :)

Hey man what are you on?

No offense. You sounded wasted in your cheese fry video too.
Just smoke ALL day, and take some edibles at night, AND smoke all night :D
And I take pills with melatonin, valarian root, and some other sleeping stuff at night, but it doesn't help me sleep. Just makes me higher :D
So at night I'm higher.

Nothing special, stupid and pointless youtube upload, thanks for sharing :leaf:
Thanks for sharing. :lol:
I wish I could just get ridiculously baked and make youtube videos all day.

Not all day.

Just when I'm bored. Or when something that I'm doing needs taping. Like the extractions, and the blunt rolling. I figure those will help SOMEONE out in the future :D
Some new little smoker, that doesn't know what's up.

I just want to show people what I can show them, so they can see too :D
If you're looking for a good strain and can't spend too much cash do Special Queen 1 from Royal queen Seeds.

You can get 10 fems for like 30 bucks.

They are amazing.