Perfect looking leaves just falling off


Well-Known Member
How are you growing them?soil or hydro?

What nutrients are u using,or soil amendments?
what kind of lighting?
whats your lighting schedule?
What temperature does it get at night,and during the day?
how big of a room/closet are your using.

cant tell you anything about those leaves without knowing your setup.....
also a picture of the plant will help


Soil, not even half the recommended nutes. Two 100 watt cfls. It is on 4th day of 12/12. Its in a closed off microwave stand.IMAG1019[1].jpgIMAG1020[1].jpgIMAG1021[1].jpg


Well-Known Member
Sweet thanks for the photos man.

your doing good,always start off with weak nutrients and work your way stronger if the plant can handle it.
that being said what brand/s of fertilizer are you using?,there may be an imbalance or deficiency

how often do you water,and how often do you fertilize?

also doubt you will have heat issues with cfl's but I would recomend a small fan in taking fresh air and a small fan pushing out stagnant old air


I have a fan pushing out old air. I got soil from hydroponics store not sure what the brand was any more. I have started watering either every once a day or every two days.


Well-Known Member
Ok we'll now that I double check your photos the burnt brown tips is usually fertilizer burn,I know your using half strength nutrients but it is possible.
what lineup or products are your using?

the small fan shouts be good.
I'm just tying to get all of the information of your setup on the page so someone else can jump in and help, knowing every aspect of your grow is the only way your going to get good help,otherwise you will have 50 people telling you 50 different things it could be.
Brown tips is usually a sign of fert burn or ur lights burned it by being too close. If those are the only leaves that have fallen off I wouldn't worry too much. Some can just be nimble or u bumped on accident and didn't even notice. Droopy plants is a sign over watering but you may have just watered or misted..just saying