Perfect Run Formula....Researched & Tested. The Science.


Well-Known Member
Hello I'm FACE.
It's something I always wanted to do,help others grow.
When I started I had no one to mentor me, in fact I've never had someone help me....the community is kinda hush hush you know. (This kept me from picking up other growers bad habits though)
It wasn't quite legal at the time so I kept to my self and learned by trial and error.
It was a long process until I found some great help from the internet and later YouTube,channels like Vader,s back when he started it, Good stuff.

First lesson I learned was that everyone's advice is perfect for their grow...not necessarily yours.
That said, it does become rather hard to show someone general help when there's not really a general grow.
People ask. We do the best we can with the limited info given.

I had to look at growing as a science project.
EVRYTHING changed when I recorded data. How do you know where your going as a grower, when you can't say where you have been. Did I do this before? Was t it temps , or the Rh that was high when this happened? Both?

Consistency....and I can't express this enough.
I have found more problems that I would have blamed on something else if I wasn't consistent with my grows. If you grow the same cutting with the exact same nutes for a year dialed in perfectly. The plant will show you when you are off.
Things that looked like a deficiency ( which it probably was due to plant out eating the pot size) that turn out to be fixed with a transplant into a bigger pot.....NOT MORE FOOD. Other strains would never show anything for at least another 2-4 weeks in same size pot.

Get your room dialed in.....refer to consistency.
I record my temps constantly for a year....after checking them enough and driving myself crazy I see the patterns and what to look for. Now I don't even have thermometers in my room. It is consistent. I can tell by the feel of the air if it's hot now. Dialed.

This is all important.
I look at it as a 3 part system.
Food -Room-Plants.

The food by for is the most challenging when there's no certain help. So many brand fan boys....geeezzzz. So much bs it's unreal.

So my gift to the new grower and a challenge for the "experts".....The Perfect Grow.
When I would have a run clone to bud,with ZERO issues I would call it a perfect run.
Since this method was finalized I have not had a single issue I did not create myself.

FINALLY!!! The Recipe.....

Feed, water,feed water. Through entire grow. Stop food last 3 weeks of flower. Continue calmag till last week. Then just PH water. PH all plant inputs.

Medium-Pro-mix HP

Water cycle is.- 1/2tsp Pro-Tekt Silicon -1/2 tsp GH Flora Micro -1 tsp Cal-Mag plus Botanicare
1/16 tsp Growers Recharge

Food cycle is- 1 gram of GH MaxiBloom added to water mix.

This is the main food recipe. It will feed ALL plant types from 2 weeks after seed. Clone straight out of cloner. Until last 3 weeks of flower then cut all but calmag. Drop calmag last week.

Seedlings use .7 grams of food cycle. other nutes ,leave the same.

Super simple and very affordable. I use the brands I use because they have the highest concentrations of what I want in my plant , and derived from the sources I want them from. No other reason.

There is a lot of calmag in this recipe. I found certain plants needed it. So I kept it in. There's a couple plants that want different things that I have accounted for in this mix. On extreme opposite spectrums. That's what the micro is for. We are also using such a small quantity of the all in one nutrient that we want to pick up a little on the micros. I don't experience any burn or deficiencies at all.
The growers recharge is a must. You need bacteria in your life. It helps the ph swings, soooooo much. It also one of the reasons we can run 1 gpg and not hit deficiencies as much. I can't speak highly enough about this product. It comes with the micros and food for them A package deal.

That's it for now. Sorry for the ramble...but I hope it helps someone.

PS Please pick this recipe apart. I know why I made it, and am not above scrutiny. I'm just here to help and improve on this. I don't hold secrets.please ask away. There's also a perfect cloner mix too... so just ask for any help.

Day 15 , after first feeding.
Toothpicks mark plants that I fed last.
No toothpick, it gets food so I put in a tooth pick to mark that.
Next time i put water and pull toothpick.
I never over feed by mistake this way. I know just by a glance what they need. Pics in next not on this device.
That’s at full strength. Seedlings , clones, and mom all happy.
Mom should have been transplanted into a bigger pot before I put her in this one. So she’s a little worse for wear but looking just fine. Can hardly tell.
Next the veg cycle... same mixture strength.
People don’t get this. U will see.
Notes on genetic anomalies/ strain differences.
Weed is an amazing plant. And as it has it's good traits that we search out for, there's bad ones to....besides hermies.
It doesn't have to be much, but I'm finding in all my sifting of strains there's really no perfect plant. That's why people refer to the good ones as special.

Wrinkled leaves here, deficiencies there. Things you can't fix. Or to put it better. Things that will take more special care than the rest of the crop ,that it becomes not worth the fix.
But sometimes you push it through in the hopes it's a special one....and it almost never is.
I have one of those right now. Half the size of the others. Wrinkled weird leaves. But she looks cool as hell.
I can't tell you how much consistency has paid off in problem solving for me.
If everything else is fine with the same food, why is this one weird? When it's only one in the tent you don't change the others to fix this one. You watch and make sure your on it.
Sometimes, time fixes it. Sometimes it's an earlier transplant that this strain likes. Or more calmag. That's the real differences I see.
Since I have run this formula I can always count out the food.....unless I screwed up.
Also....there are crap plant not worth saving. We see them as not Stoney,or smelly or no taste....but there's more. The runt seed that never could.
All the way to a very stoney alien rift I had that was a keeper in my 3 of 4 categories, but it would show a cal mag deficiencie in half the plant. Half a leaf even,on a branch next to perfect sets of leaves. The more cal mag she got the better, but she would go to hell in flower. Bud was still friggin awesome...but plant was sub par and not a contender for the breeding project.
I kept her for another 6 months trying to fix her. She would move in weird patterns. Worse and better, all the time everything else was bang on.
Lesson learned. You can't and shouldn't save them all. I like a challenge, but I like progression more. So I moved on and regretted not doing it sooner.
508BD708-E7A5-4215-8F49-9586171E9866.jpeg E409B764-3B58-4F49-9E7B-B2BC6F26AF47.jpeg 78A5C4AB-1399-4DB3-8022-624E9FF067EB.jpeg AF61DFD6-A89A-4FFB-A0E5-48746418D178.jpeg Here is the funny guy. Also 3 leaves from the same strain
Candy cream Punch
You can see what I mean by the differences in how they take food. The Leaf with the rust ironed out. I didn’t change a thing for any of them.508BD708-E7A5-4215-8F49-9586171E9866.jpegE409B764-3B58-4F49-9E7B-B2BC6F26AF47.jpeg
My motto. Do more with less.

Not all of us can afford the best of the best. I feel lucky for what I have, and what I can do with it.
One thing being unable to physically work for the last 10 years or so has shown me is how to make a dollar stretch....and that you have to make your situation work for you.
I know that there is a hundred things I could do better for my plants, that would hypothetically raise my efficiency up from 75 to 100 percent.
But money,my issues physically, and my local laws dictate my situation.
When I built up this formula I had other thing I thought it needed in it.
I would add an additive , observe the change for a grow or two. Then drop it to see if I see a change in next run, same cut and evrything else. Weigh the benefits and go from there.
That's how I got here.
This formula is not lacking on anything due to monetary restrictions,or any other reasons.
I researched all the macro and micro nutrients, what they do and why. Synergetic combinations, rawest forms, derived from the best source.
It sources the cheapest bulk ingredients I could find at the time, that I could get a hold of.
Many ingredients do over lap, but it's designed to fit a wide range of plant types and specific needs.
With the small doses we are giving them, it's best get it from several sources and even derivatives.
I'm sure it can be tailored a specific individual plant,and maybe drop a little calmag an micro. Though I have run into the 25-30% that like that extra amount and I accommodate them while not over feeding the others.
Finally I'm going to rum Mammoth P in the future when I can. I do think that a phosphorus based bacteria might be a nice addition. I wanted to iron out everything else to see the real benefits from it so I'll post that here in the future.
Just for shits and giggles I ran the numbers on the formula you provided and on a few products I don't have a specific gravity so there is a little error in the elemental PPM numbers but this is close. Disregard the calculated EC PPM as I don't have EC figures for most of your products, only the Micro.

perfect run formula.PNG
The Flower Pics
As always, same formula as veg and clone.
These next pictures are over the time I was testing it from 1.2 grams of Maxi Bloom to 1.0 per gallon.
I also ran npk raw PAnd K separate. As additives. They hindered growth until stretch was over. There's plenty in the food as is, no boost needed.
Majority are my Old Ben Cut of Dark Plasma. Some of my crosses and others. I will probably note a couple.18718471-EE36-4161-B6F2-E2A8F0D66EDF.jpegD8CDEA66-23F8-47D8-976E-E299042BFF7B.jpeg27BD78DE-1A56-4702-BD05-D785138C2F7E.jpegCF76365F-437A-4347-B1FC-64F7A1748DA0.jpeg
Just for shits and giggles I ran the numbers on the formula you provided and on a few products I don't have a specific gravity so there is a little error in the elemental PPM numbers but this is close. Disregard the calculated EC PPM as I don't have EC figures for most of your products, only the Micro.

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Your not trying to hide anything here. It's about results and data. Thank you so much....haven't read it yet I'm about to. But knowledge is power. Thank you.