Perlite types


Havent't used perlite before but as i was looking through the shop i saw some bags that said it contain perlite and i was wondering if there are many types of perlite. I thought the perlites are some white stones, but as i touched the bag to feel the stones, i felt something fluffy, like some fluffy pieces of cheese puffs. Is there anything wrong with them or that's how they supposed to be?
Havent't used perlite before but as i was looking through the shop i saw some bags that said it contain perlite and i was wondering if there are many types of perlite. I thought the perlites are some white stones, but as i touched the bag to feel the stones, i felt something fluffy, like some fluffy pieces of cheese puffs. Is there anything wrong with them or that's how they supposed to be?
Perlite is perlite, but there are different grades (sizes). The one found to be the best for gardens is the Coarse grade, which is what is sold in garden supply stores. There's no problem with the Perlite, it is light and fluffy, with lots of air spaces inside it (think pumice).
Havent't used perlite before but as i was looking through the shop i saw some bags that said it contain perlite and i was wondering if there are many types of perlite. I thought the perlites are some white stones, but as i touched the bag to feel the stones, i felt something fluffy, like some fluffy pieces of cheese puffs. Is there anything wrong with them or that's how they supposed to be?
Well there are a lot of Coco Mixes that come with perlite already in them, perhaps that was the bag you saw and not pure perlite? Bags of pure perlite tend to feel crunchy to the touch.