Permit required to buy 190 proof

That sounds like fun but I'm only into making oil. I"m setup for chromatography but haven't had a reason to run it. only a little TLC sometimes if I feel like it.
the oil is something i need to learn ,just to reduce the amount of flower, i have on hand.
I do my decarb at the end so 30 min or so until the decarb bubbles stop is plenty to cook out any remaining traces of solvent.

I only make an RSO type oil for use in edibles and not for toking tho I do have about 10 cans of 9x filtered butane for some BHO one of these days. I can distill butane using 2 - 1L boiling balls and a 25' coil of 3/16" copper tubing so I can reuse the butane right away to process a lot more pot than letting each batch evaporate. With no pressure vessel I can't keep it for later use so may try converting a propane torch bottle for that use.

There's a gov't approved testing lab in Vancouver that charges $60/sample and will give me a cut rate as a senior and med patient so once I get all this pot processed I'll send in two samples to get real numbers on it's potency for more accurate med dosage. One will be regular RSO made with many strains of pot and the other will be the same but made with a few strains of hi-CBD pot.

I bought some gummie molds about a year ago and all the stuff I need to make gummies from different flavours of Jello. 2kg of bulk jello for about $18 from amazon . ca so got 3 flavours and all the guar gum, pot. sorbate and flavourings from all over. Made some chocolate CBD gummies in the CBD mold and those worked good. Haven't tried the gummie mix yet and need some oil for that.

Each makes 192 - 4ml candies so about 768ml to load it up. Ordered from the states so cost me $150Can for both delivered. You can get ones with various states markings as well. PJbold .com

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I tried some PAM spray on the first 3 rows but that was messy and not needed at all.

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No real chemistry involved in oil making as it's just a simple extract so if you can follow a recipe to cook then anyone can do this stuff. It's knowing how to handle the solvents safely that's the real concern and I worked in a hazardous waste disposal plant as a chemist not long after graduating where we got lots of serious safety training.

mine came from the out of the spout on the cooling coil.never let anyone smoke around, any type of still!
the oil is something i need to learn ,just to reduce the amount of flower, i have on hand.

mine came from the out of the spout on the cooling coil.never let anyone smoke around, any type of still!

If you have a home lab and keep it leagle and follow common sence rules it's safe.

There's more to it than just not smoking. An example: Running a small lab still with a vacuum pump. While that pump is running it's blowing out fumes of whatever solvent. It it's not vented to the outside what doesn't get you drunk may blow up your lab.
here's more to it than just not smoking. An example: Running a small lab still with a vacuum pump. While that pump is running it's blowing out fumes of whatever solvent. It it's not vented to the outside what doesn't get you drunk may blow up your lab.

You want to use a cold trap between the still and the vac pump to condense any solvent before it reaches the pump. Should be little to no solvent fumes exiting the pump exhaust if done right. Or run some tubing from the exhaust port to blow it outside.

I bought an aerator pump for my dugout and am kinda planning on using it's intake port to pull vac for my still once I get the glass fitting to hook up the vac but not sure of what the diaphragms in it are made of and if they will be buggered up with exposure to a solvent like naphtha or ISO.


That sucker pumps a lot of air so should pull good vac.


You want to use a cold trap between the still and the vac pump to condense any solvent before it reaches the pump.

I do use a cold trap. It's not in any of the pictures I can remember posting. It's in line with my big pump. The small pimp in the picture won't do on the still. It won't start under load. I don't use it much anymore. Even use a hand pump for my filter. 40 quick pumps on it and there's enough vacuum to to filter the 350 ml the funnel holds.

I can pull allmost 1/2 inch more vacuum with dry ice in the cold trap than with ice.. They have dry ice at the meat counter at the market.
shit. Best i can find here is the 100 proof "moonshine". Most have berries floating but the clear stuff is decent. I dream of getting 190 proof to make a bomb ass tincture or 12.
Fuckin Cali.
I wanted to try making qwet tincture and the wife went to the liquor store to get some Everclear. She came home with Everclear but its 151 proof. Looking online at the ABC website I see I have to pay $50 and submit the proper paperwork with my reason to purchase to be allowed to buy 190 proof. I guess I haven't been to a liquor store in a long time. Seems like back in the day we bought it to make that horrible purple punch!
Anyway, I looked online and found culinary alcohol. 200 proof so I figured I just order some. Nope! Not shipping to my state. WTF? So I went ahead and used the 151. Anyone else have to use 151 due to this? I guess the 25% water is just left in my finished product. I left it sit 24 hours in front of a fan to evaporate the alcohol off. It reduced by half but I assume the water is in the final product.
Last I knew Everclear and the generic version were legal in Indiana. It's less than an hour drive for me.