Perpectual Harvest with Auto Flowering Plants


Active Member
Hello,this is my first post. I haven't been able to figure this one out. How does one replace their plants if they are using an auto flowering strain. If they cant be cloned, can they be bred for seed. And if so will they produce off-spring that retain the same auto flowering traits as the parents.

How do seed banks do it? Are they breeding two lowryder parents together or is lowryder an f1 of two other kinds of plants?

Of course I'm using lowryder only as an example. I'm thinking the answer would be true for any auto flowering stains.

Any feedback is appreciated.


Well-Known Member
I think a lowryder x lowryder cross will always give you autoflowering offspring (unless there was is mutation) due to the high level of inbreeding that went into selecting the lowryder traits. You could use the pollen from male plants to pollinate a few bud sites to maintain a seed stock. To have a perpetual harvest of an autoflowering strain I imagine you would just continually plant seeds. I think that lowryder goes from seed to harvest in nine weeks, so if you had three grow areas you could plant a batch of seeds in one of the areas every three weeks after harvesting the mature plants from that spot. So if you are willing to maintain a breeding program (collecting pollen and then fertilizing budsites) you would have a harvest every three weeks. I don't think you could do a SoG style grow because it would be impossible to maintain mother plants (thanks to the autoflowering trait).


Active Member
You could grow a male plant, collect the pollen, keep it in a container, and when your girls start flowering take a paint brush (a very small one like the kind used to model cars), dip it in the pollen and brush it onto only one budsite, and only that one bud site will grow seeds, then just replant the seeds. I assume this is the easiest way, others may have better ideas.