Hello, after my last and biggest grow ended in a very dramatic way, i decided to enter the game again. I live in a rented apartment and have decided to "extent" a bit the closets in my bedroom. The closets' dimensions are 6x2, i want to extend thei width to 8' so that i can have a space of 6x8 feet in total for growing. So, here comes my 1st question: What material should i use in order to extend the closets? In my previous grow i had constructed a 10x10 growtent from PVC pipes but their bases seemed fragile to me. Do you know any way to stabilize the bases of the PVC pipes so that i have a sturdy growtent or suggest another alternative?From my previous grow, i have 7 600w bulbs and ballasts, 1 400w bulb and ballast, 1 250w bulb and ballast. I also have 3 cooltubes. And last but not least, i have 3x6" ventilation fans, 3x5", and 1x4" ventilation fan. I don't want to use all of them, an apartment with 1 bedroom and 1 spare room would be suspicious drawing all that juice. I did it in the past for ~2 months and the electricity bill was veeeeeery pricey! So, i am looking to use up to 1200 watts of HPS. As the title suggests i wanna have a perpetual setup, harvesting buds every month. From what i understand i have got to separate that 6x8 growing place that i am going to make in 3? One for vegging, one for flowering and one for cloning or seedlings? How would you do it if you were me and had the supplies and the room i mentioned? I would love to hear your answers, wishing the best to all of you!