Pest prevents


Well-Known Member
Just looking for anything els extra I can do to prevent pests, I had spider mites about 5 years ago probably a bit longer and that’s the last thing I want , but while I’m at it knats And aphids and thrips give me the shits but I can control then , I’ve mulched my soil this year sprayed neem oil while still in veg , just seeing if there’s anything extra I can do too keep them away , for example I found this purple bush shit that grows like grass , the grasshoppers lobe the shit and won’t go near my plants whilst they have that to chew on * edit , I also have a couple baby praying mantis and lady bugs on each plant plus a spider or Two
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Add cotton balls drenched in essential oils like rosemary and lemongrass and mint in the room all around the plants, not on them lol. The differnt smells makes it much less likeable for pests. Also get the yellow sticky cards on a stick to place at base of plants. Theres something called poppers, they release beneficial nematodes. And then theres spinosad, grab some.
Imo if you have or put beneficial insects on outdoor plants and they’re sticking around, you have a pest problem now.