pest revention aussie grow


Well-Known Member
so i was wondering what pests i should treat for in soil and on leaves on my outdoor grow which is 4 months old and i think they will start flowering soon ,
iv bought some bt and pyrethrin to stop bud worms. anything else i should be treating for? or looking out for?
also does anyone know when a plant in nsw australia would start flowering ? im guessing soon because the days have been getting shorter for a few weeks now
i do an organic mix. heat up some chilli and garlic with some water and spray that after a day in the fridge. its just started flowering hear in queensland


Well-Known Member
Your never going to eradicate all the pests. In fact going crazy with the insecticides and pesticides is how you create an infestation. Instead you need to find out what pests your dealing with then target them specifically and only when necessary. Very early in the season I like to use diatomaceous earth then I switch to horticultural oils. As the plants mature I allow more pests and focus on mold and mildew.

I get lots of mites and aphids which I control with soapy water. I pluck caterpillars by hand in the early morning and shake the plants vigorously to knock off the grasshoppers. If I see lots of flying insects then I apply a layer of aluminum foil to the ground, and which reflects light up and does a decent job of scarring them away. Planting other crops near by and even rotating my crops each season also helps, especially with plant viruses


Active Member
im in canada so dunno if pest are similar, biggest pests here are slugs for seedling and small plants, diatomaceous earth in a circle around stem will help, also slug bait, ring of copper wire. rodents, i use granulated stuff called critter ridder, and try to avoid blood meal or anything else that might smell appetizing to critters, cause they will dig up your plant trying to get it. and deer, i use dog hair and people pee, mothballs, grated soap bars. caterpillars i just pick off by hand as well, if you see a leaf on a plant rolled up like ablunt wrap, there is probably a caterpillar laying eggs inside. if youve got any amount of seeds on ur plants, squirrels will ravage them if they find them (in canada anyways) as for bugs, i just give them a spray of safer end all if im having any substantial bug problem. for the most part, here, once the plant starts producing ample oil, trichomes, most pests steer clear, from my experience, have fun :)


Active Member
Hey man I'm in vic started showing sex last week and one started flowering already, so anytime now.
As far as bugs go I use neem oil once a week from the start so by now most bug problems should be eradicated.
Up until about 4 weeks into flowering I have heard.


The use of natural oil spray is better treatment for pest.
But if insect attack than final option is insect killing spray.


New Member
According to my opinion these are very serious diseases for plant leafs you need to recuamanded spray on it to remove
these pests as soon as possible .It better option for you in this situation.