Petition to allow transactions between CA Prop 215 patients


Well-Known Member
The ability to connect, chat, and share ideas with other growers through this site is great. So much valuable information is passed along and it benefits all of us. There is a problem though. The fact that we cannot openly discuss selling, buying, or trading meds with other legal patients without fear of getting banned from the site. I LOVE this forum and most of the people on it. I dont want to get banned.. but there are so many California patients on this site, often times in close proximity to eachother and so much medicine that could be passed around. It happens all the time on this site whether the mods like it or not, I know plenty of Cali ppl that meet up all the time and sell/trade/share their buds. Its all organized through PMs. I just wish we could openly make threads on the subject, especially when we are in full compliance with the law.

This is a message not only to the mods, but to all the other Cali patients that use this forum. Is anyone else with me? Maybe if we show support for the cause and show the site admins that its in demand, there might be a change of rules. I just want to be able to better connect with other patients I meet on the site without fear of being banned.


Well-Known Member
No. Openly discussing these things puts the whole site at risk. Being banned is the least of my worries! We are not in full compliance of the law in any way shape or form under FEDERAL law. Hell you can even get in trouble for transporting/distribution depending on the quantity by several Sherrif's Departments in the LA area. Just because you are carrying a card doesn't mean it's free trade and you are protected from any and all prosecution.

I really doubt that you will get many to join your cause but I wish you luck!


Well-Known Member
No. Openly discussing these things puts the whole site at risk. Being banned is the least of my worries! We are not in full compliance of the law in any way shape or form under FEDERAL law. Hell you can even get in trouble for transporting/distribution depending on the quantity by several Sherrif's Departments in the LA area. Just because you are carrying a card doesn't mean it's free trade and you are protected from any and all prosecution.

I really doubt that you will get many to join your cause but I wish you luck!
very true.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
No. Openly discussing these things puts the whole site at risk. Being banned is the least of my worries! We are not in full compliance of the law in any way shape or form under FEDERAL law. Hell you can even get in trouble for transporting/distribution depending on the quantity by several Sherrif's Departments in the LA area. Just because you are carrying a card doesn't mean it's free trade and you are protected from any and all prosecution.

I really doubt that you will get many to join your cause but I wish you luck!
Yeah. I'd definitely have to leave if that happened.

There are plenty of places to do this already.


Well-Known Member
I don't understand why it couldn't be done in a way that wouldn't? Are you saying when they spy on our pm's and they catch that then banned?


Well-Known Member
idk like what's up with the Elite on here? I guess they pay or something? Couldn't we have similiar privacy?

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
I don't understand why it couldn't be done in a way that wouldn't? Are you saying when they spy on our pm's and they catch that then banned?
The problem is the feds could potentially get an open ended warrant for this site. The combo of growing + selling would probably be something that caught their attention.


Well-Known Member
The problem is the feds could potentially get an open ended warrant for this site. The combo of growing + selling would probably be something that caught their attention.
Im jus sayin it cud work like Budtrader or Craigslist. I do see the risks involved tho.


Well-Known Member
OK, if I happened to understand a thing about computers and websites other than how to type and click I would start my own website much like Budtrader but much more Mom and Pop, small and well run in which I would post an invite to all who are legal anywhere in the world.


Well-Known Member
The only way you're going to put together a website that would provide only access for MMJ patients would be to have the page non-viewable if you aren't a member...and to become a member you have to fax in a copy of your state ID and doctors rec to become verified. I've thought about trying to put together a very private website for growers and clubs to find each other....this way we could remove the whole sketchy stopping by random clubs with a lb of bud on you hoping someone doesn't pull a gun on you and rob you.

We need to find a way to streamline the whole buying and selling system.


Well-Known Member
You stop by random clubs with an elbow on you? I always try to establish a relationship with the club first. I go in, buy a few grams, if possible, talk to the management. See if they are the kind of place I want to sell my product. Then I talk to the management/owners/buyers about doing business.

I would never hit up a random club like that unless I had some super kind top shelf uber bud that sold itself. That's the high road to the low ball.

Edit: have any of you used any services like Cann Cast?


Well-Known Member
All im sayin is that its done anyways.. And I dont want this to become an open classified site like budtrader, just a lil somethin for RIU friends. Like say I go on a thread and see a dude in my area that just harvested his outdoor grow.. dude got like 2 lbs. Somebody shud be able to post and be like hey ill buy a couple ounces from u I live around the corner. Ppl do that anyways thru PMs. Idk man, like I said, I see the risks involved.


Active Member
The only way you're going to put together a website that would provide only access for MMJ patients would be to have the page non-viewable if you aren't a member...and to become a member you have to fax in a copy of your state ID and doctors rec to become verified. I've thought about trying to put together a very private website for growers and clubs to find each other....this way we could remove the whole sketchy stopping by random clubs with a lb of bud on you hoping someone doesn't pull a gun on you and rob you.

We need to find a way to streamline the whole buying and selling system.
That site already exists. Called Canna Cast or something real close to that. Not much on it at present; I got an e-mail from them last week (to post what I have for sale, etc.) are U kidding? I'm not gonna' put in print anything like that. Also, the people on CL are total fools as well as the people that go to meet and buy. There are risks and then there are risks. That one isn't in my cards...


Active Member
All im sayin is that its done anyways.. And I dont want this to become an open classified site like budtrader, just a lil somethin for RIU friends. Like say I go on a thread and see a dude in my area that just harvested his outdoor grow.. dude got like 2 lbs. Somebody shud be able to post and be like hey ill buy a couple ounces from u I live around the corner. Ppl do that anyways thru PMs. Idk man, like I said, I see the risks involved.
I have thought about starting a cultivator's site where we could bargain for lbs. from like growers, or even a distribution portal, but then I start thinking about the feds that certainly peruse these sites, and it all goes away.


Well-Known Member
its one thing to trade seeds and cuts, its a whole other ball game when you start talking finished product. I know of two local kids who just got arrested for kidnapping, assault, a bunch of shit because they had traded with this guy before and found out what he had, went and ripped him off, then later went back for more only this time their 13 year old kid was at home. Not a good thing all the way around. Not every body is in this for karma - too many see big fat dollar signs, part of the problem with prohibition. And for all you thinking Obama is fixing to legalize medical marijuana guess again - his people have, and he has already stated many times marijuana will not be legalized during his terms in office - its on tape everywhere, don't let this new bullshit fool you for a minute. It's just more trickery out of The Great Liars mouth - you know, how Reagan was known as The Great Orator?