Ph Buffer Help?

Hello my favorite site!

Maybe you guys can answer some general questions?

Was just wondering how long you guys wait after using say general hydro ph up / down or atlas scientific; before testing the ph again?

Also how far off can the ph be if im tryng to raise the ph without harming my plants?

Soil grow and my soil is currently at 6.2, im trying to raise to 6.8ish .

Thanks in advance!
Hello my favorite site!

Maybe you guys can answer some general questions?

Was just wondering how long you guys wait after using say general hydro ph up / down or atlas scientific; before testing the ph again?

Also how far off can the ph be if im tryng to raise the ph without harming my plants?

Soil grow and my soil is currently at 6.2, im trying to raise to 6.8ish .

Thanks in advance!
it is great that you have obviously done some research on cultivation. I have grown in soil for a long time...never checked my run off, ppm, or ec. I simply ph the water and food going into my medium, I have had no seriously unfixable issues.

I think maybe you are over thinking this a bit.. Cannabis prefers a ph of 6.3 to 6.8. I really doubt the extra couiple of 10th's of a percent is going to make a huge difference or even a noticeable one. Just my humble opinion

Good Luck and Great Growz
anything under 7 or even 8 seems to work in soil

in coco 5.8 to 6.8 works well

in hydro I like 5.2 to 6.5 normally set up around 5.6 to 6.4 but some swing is good normally let it go up a bit more at the start of bloom and keep it more acidic near the end
I set my water to 6.7 and I check it immediately after shaking. My water stays 6.7 after buffered. I am doing organic super soil so it's just water.

Edit: I wouldn't bother with run off pH unless I had a problem. Which I never do in soil