PH causing def please help.

Bryan Danza

deficiencys fucking up my plant... I Feed every other watering with Fox farm Big bloom 2-8-4 so obviously its not the lack of neuts but the inability to use them. last time checked my Run off of my soil it was 5.5. i understand a cannabis plant needs a ph of 6.5/6.8 to properly use up the neuts.. everything i read up on about ph soil says to mix lime in my soil and plant my seed into it.. but obviously that wont work at this stage because they are already fuking grown lol.. i have not been able to find anything on how to level out the PH of soil at this stage in my grow.. a few things here or there like wood chips or egg shells.. thats all good and great but how the hell do you do it? just serously go to homdepot and ask for wood chips and put them on top of your soil? like please explain what i need to do my shits getting fucked up.. . about 3 weeks into flower... started showing problems about 5 days ago..? please explain in layman terms this is my first grow..



Active Member
The runoff don't really mean nothing worry more about ph going in at 6.5 or so I use the ffof but use advance nutes with it I tried for a few years with the fox farm nutes nothing but issues I had better luck with ffof and advance nutes....:peace:


Well-Known Member
A lot of growers recommend adding extra garden lime for pH stability, you can top dress the soil or mix it with your water