Ph down


Active Member
I've read the threads on ph. I know where I need to get my water. I have well water. And the ph is pretty high. The bottle of solution says to add 2 drops per gallon to bring it down. Then test before adding more. Ok simple enough. Maybe it's my water or my solution or maybe this is normal. I don't know so here's my ??? I had to put about 40 drops of this solution in one gallon of water to read at 6.5 ph. This seems like way to much after reading add 2 at a time. In your experience with high ph. How much ph down are you adding to a gallon???
Or buy a 5 gal bucket and fill it up at you LFS (local fish store) they usually sell it for 50 cents a gal
as long as you calibrate the meter correctly you should be fine. your well water is prob around 200-400 PPM right out the tap..i am a firm believer that RO systems are a total wste of money and not even close to neccessary.

i did find that when using PH up and down one of them worked better for changing the PH than the other....i.e PH up took 2 drops to raise ph .2 but the ph down took 20 drops to drop the PH .2

anyways, you will go through alot of PH up and down if you continue to adjust using that method, you should look into a PH stabalizing nutrient. like advanced nutrients PH perfect lineup...look into it, not buy it because i mentioned some more research on stabalizing PH of nutrient solutions.
I've read the threads on ph. I know where I need to get my water. I have well water. And the ph is pretty high. The bottle of solution says to add 2 drops per gallon to bring it down. Then test before adding more. Ok simple enough. Maybe it's my water or my solution or maybe this is normal. I don't know so here's my ??? I had to put about 40 drops of this solution in one gallon of water to read at 6.5 ph. This seems like way to much after reading add 2 at a time. In your experience with high ph. How much ph down are you adding to a gallon???
A post I read said unless we use pure water with 0 ppm then we are susceptible to PPH spiking back up. Essentially rendering the PH down useless. This is due to sediments in water. Is this accurate team? I put many ml in a 5 gl bucket...The ph went down only a tiny bit. Wrote to H down seller and he responded...hoe this helps us noobs: "What makes pH down barely work is if you have high carbonates in your system. Any rocks, sand, decoration made from plaster or if you use tap water. These listed have high content of carbonates (added by the city water district). Each time you add a pH down those carbonate will counter the reaction and bring it back up. Those carbonate will maintain your pH between 7.5 to 8.5 and it doesn't seem to go down no matter how much pH you add and even if it goes down, it goes back up within hours. That is a sign of high carbonate ." BMHmJrB.gif
yes they are called "Buffers" and they will continue to maintain your PH at a certain level unless you counter them..

so yeah while using an RO water is way to remove them there are cheaper solutions than purchasing a RO system.
My well water comes out as high as 7.7 pH sometimes, and I'm adding about 2.5 droppers full of pH down to ~4 gallons of water to get 6.5 after mixing nutes...
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Good thread my well water runs at 800 ppm ,my plant start out a little deformed looking then straighten up
My ph is like7.5 out of well it takes alot to bring it down and it takes afew days to get it leveled the stronger my nute strength the easier it is to keep stable.i use gh flora series.this year im trying bpn two part wish me any of you use bpn? How does it stand up to gh?
My ph is like7.5 out of well it takes alot to bring it down and it takes afew days to get it leveled the stronger my nute strength the easier it is to keep stable.i use gh flora series.this year im trying bpn two part wish me any of you use bpn? How does it stand up to gh?
If it takes alot of ph down then is it not more economical to purchase RO water? That is a crossroad I am at. My PH down will only go down temporarily.
Please elaborate...I did not know there are alternatives to RO water.

you didnt know there are alternatives to RO water? i use tap well water without any issues, theres an alternative.

the OP obviously has minerals in his water buffering the PH...either add another buffer to counter it or remove the minerals. thats why i suggested the PH perfect lineup as you need nutes and they contain a buffer to stabilize the water PH at a desired level.

i mean yeah if you can afford a RO system and thats what you fancy then go for it but when adding anything to your rez your going to change the PH. temps change the PH, so using RO water is not a fix all solution, but it is starting with a clean slate.

I never said that an RO system is not helpfull. I said that i dont think they are necesary and there are cheaper solutions out there to battle impurities in the water. Plus i like minerals in my water since plants do use them.
you didnt know there are alternatives to RO water? i use tap well water without any issues, theres an alternative.

the OP obviously has minerals in his water buffering the PH...either add another buffer to counter it or remove the minerals. thats why i suggested the PH perfect lineup as you need nutes and they contain a buffer to stabilize the water PH at a desired level.

i mean yeah if you can afford a RO system and thats what you fancy then go for it but when adding anything to your rez your going to change the PH. temps change the PH, so using RO water is not a fix all solution, but it is starting with a clean slate.

I never said that an RO system is not helpfull. I said that i dont think they are necesary and there are cheaper solutions out there to battle impurities in the water. Plus i like minerals in my water since plants do use them.
I used a Britta filter to combat ppm...This shit did notwork at all. "thats why i suggested the PH perfect lineup as you need nutes and they contain a buffer to stabilize the water PH at a desired level. " what is this broski?
I dont no really cause when your at a stronger strength it stabelizes,i wish the hydro gods would chern in.i think that evreybodys water is diffrent some strains will like it some wont.i think if your well water makes good buds then dont spend more money i got so much money in my equipmnt its crazy i try to make things work with what