PH: Drops vs. Digital - What do you use?


Active Member
I've been looking around and PH meters lately and I've read in some places that digital PH meters need constant recalibration and that drops are more accurate. Right now I use a digital PH meter and I think it works quite well.

What does everyone else use? Anyone swear by one kind or another? I'm interested to hear what everyone else thinks about them.

Illegal Smile

They don't require anything but an occasional recalibration to 7.01 and you can use that fluid for storage. For a $30 meter it is so much faster and easier and way more accurate than we need for our purposes.


Active Member
How can you use the drops if your testing the PH of your water after nutes are added? the water is like brown so that would throw the color off, thats why I ordered a digital one off e bay, came with the batteries exploded and it was broken... they just sent another one out... cant wait to see what ive been feeding
I personally use a digital, it is way faster and easier then the drops, plus like someone else was saying about using the drops after you have added the nut. etc, that the color of the water is brown or what not, that alone tells you that a digital would be more accurate, plus fater.