pH flux side affects (pretty pictures)?


Active Member
Quick question RIU, I have some White Widow, as well as a single Hashplant Haze plant that seem to be showing a brief onset of something bigger.

I have included two pictures. The rust spot is on the HH, and only on the two most lower leaves. I have searched and concluded it to be either a zinc, mg, or calcium deficiency.

As for the Widow, they are much more ahead of the HH, but have what seems to be bleached parts(lime green compared to forest green, if that helps) on the a couple leaves, in no visible pattern. Was looking to see if it ran with the viens but concluded it was just random splotches. It's barely visible in the picture but its staring you in the face if you can see it. Also searched, and was also a possible zinc, mg, or calcium def. but I thought I would see what you guys thought.

Since searching and before posting I sinced maintained my pH, as well as dissolved a 1/2 teaspoon of hydrated garden lime in a quart of water, and lightly foliar fed all of them because according to what I read its faster acting, and the hydrated lime covers a couple of the possibilites.

Its a 10 gallon res, with two airstones, res temps stay at 75 ( i need a chiller), all AN nutrients (using their light feeding schedule/calculator), current pH 5.87, and ppm is 430. Temps are always 85-90 durings lights on with co2 being dumped in there, and the widows seems to dig it 100 percent, although the heavy sativa HH seems to like a cooler environment I dont think it would throw rust colored spots on a the bottom sugar/fan leaves. Hard to keep it humid though and seems to never get higher then 30 percent relative humidity.

I should say my pH was at 7.01 for an unknown amount of time, but no longer then maybe 4 hours(only check 3 times a day as I do not stay with them.). I noticed no ill affects the following days, and concluded that I had caught the flux in time. Mainly just want clarification because it seems to be a common problem(?). Thanks in advance everyone!




im having this same type of probelm with my WW's as you are in that first picture. I flushed the system and put in new water and nutrients. the My pH is sitting around 5.9 which is pretty spot on but im still getting this but only randomly on plant leaves. also the papery wrinkle.. I'm a new grower so I'm still trying to figure this out too. how well would some type of multi vitamin work to correct any deficiencies?


Active Member
My widows have cleared up nicely. I put half a teaspoon of horticultural hyrdrated lime in a quart of water and foliar fed lightly, for two days. I have since overcome the problem, which was indeed a the calcium, and magnesium(sp?) deficiency. I noticed the ladies like the ph lower as wel, because I maintained 5.9, and would let it climb to 6.5 before bring it down for a week, and thats when the spots aroused. The trace elements start to get locked out the higher into the pH range you get so try to get it 5.4 and let it do the ride to 6.3 and bring it back down again (the spots wont turn green again, but the will cease to appear on your pretty ladies). It lets the trace elements have a better chance at being absorbed by the roots instead of just the usual NPK. Hope it helps, as it has indeed eliminated my problems.