Ph help


Well-Known Member
Hi im consitently having to lower my ph of my nutrient solution, and the PH down stuff i buy from online stores seems expensive is there any natural or household chemicals i can use in its place to save me money that wont hurt the plants??? thanks :P


Well-Known Member
will the lemon juice in the little lemon shaped bottle work or does it have to be fresh squeezed


Active Member
i think that will work, but these diy versions of ph down cud have adverse effect, look on ebay for ph down, buy two bottles man, its cheap enough.

B.B. King

Depending on your system, organics (vinegar, lemon juice) may not be a good idea. I use sulfuric acid, bought as battery acid. $15 for 6 qts. at your local auto parts store. It's very strong. You might want to add 1 part to 4 parts water before using to adjust your reservoir.

Grow well,


Well-Known Member
well its a bubbleponic system im looking on ebay now is it better to get the dry form of ph down or liquid thanks


Active Member
Are you being serious? I bought a bottle of PH Up and PH Down for $8 each, I've been adjusting my PH for many grows now and I haven't even used an eighth of a bottle.. Maybe you need a stronger solution?


Well-Known Member
ya i had a bottle of 8 oz generaly hydroponics ph down maybe it just sucks but its the only one ive ever used since im just starting i was just thinking dang this is gonna get expensive since im only 30 days into it and almost out of ph down


Active Member
If your 30 days in and almost out of PH down then something is massively wrong. How much are you using on average per adjustment? Are you having to use PH down then PH up to balance it out?


Well-Known Member
well once i put too much in and i had to add ph up to it but i usually just use a little then test with my ph pen and then with my strips to be sure.. but one of my rockwool plugs that is exposed to light has green algae covering it, i didnt know they had to be completly covered by the hydroton,, could the algae,, be raising my ph you think


Well-Known Member

Dont use vinegar, its usually impure and neutralizes too fast. Citric acid, phosphoric acid, or sulfuric/muriatic acid are your best bets for ph down. For ph up, potassium carbonate is best, sodium carbonate and sodium hydroxide also work.

Spend the $30 on concentrated/powdered chemicals and make several years' worth of ph adjusters. Seriously. I made my second gallon of ph up using potassium carbonate, the first lasted me about 3 months, and I go through 50-75gal of water per week. I spent $15 on enough potassium carbonate to make 15gal of that solution. Should be about 4 years until I need more.