PH levels in RES and CONTROLLER?!?!

I got a new hydrosystem....waterfarm 8 pack.
I am trying to level out the ph....mixing nutes in buckets and then dumping it into the system...
when it all mixes together in the entire system...the water in the res and controller...are just about 6.6...a little too high for my comfort.
How do I keep a better balanced PH in the entire system when I mix all my buckets?


Active Member
nutes before ph, then balance ph at 6 every time before you pour into resoivoir which should be at 6 allready


Well-Known Member
I put my Ph at 5.8 because it will rise a bit. Your system will level out once you run it for a while. Add water, then nutes, then Ph it. make sure you mix it real good before you get an accurate reading. I mix my Rez for 30 before I feed them to make sure I have the Ph set