Ph Male with Photos Strange Leaf. Please Help!


I am having some problems.

Let's start with PH. I am in six weeks veg for some, and with one Lowrider also in six weeks. I always adjusted with my Hanna Ph tester the water to 6.5 (using vinegar). The soil has the 5-6.5 mark on bag (best I found).
Today I tested ph, by watering with 6.5 and measuring the drip water from bottom. It was 5.2 . I read the thread on PH, so I guess I should add some lime. Hope I can correct the problem. To make sure I understand it correctly, i should sqeeze the liquid out of the lime and sprinkle the lime on the removed 1 inch soil.

I have another problem, a plant from the ones in veg is having this leaf:

any ideas?

And the last one, can you please tell me if these are males. I can see a ball, but only one, so I can't be sure. i removed some that had 2-3 balls in a group, but these I don't know for sure. Maybe it's too early.

Please try to help a n00b


Well-Known Member
from personal experience boron i believe. im still a noob but i think thats from low from the old school forums though read b4 you ask . found answer here..

from the international link. dont know if it makes a difference mine happened 10 weeks into flower and was using vinegar to balance ph..RUINED my crop fast!!! :joint:peace


I used vinegar and sodium bicarbonate to lower/raise the ph at water. Can I use stomething similar/easy to find for soil. Please try to help me as I am not using my home internet, and I can't stay long.


so I should't use vinegar in water? Meaning, just combine one ml of vinegar to 1.5litres of water to adjust the ph to 6.4 ? I used this and the plants look happy. I read about this in a book, vinegar for lowering, sodium bicarbonate for raising.


the tap water I am using has the ph around 7.5 after leaving it one-two days for removing the chloride, that's why I am using vinegar.

Los Muertos

Active Member
then what lime? the lime powder that is selling at stores? :( I was talking about the fruit
Yeah man, not the fruit. Don't get the powdered stuff either though. The powdered stuff is called hydrated lime, you want
dolomitic lime. Get the finest ground you can find. It'll usually say 'fast acting' or some shit like that. If all you can find is
the coarse stuff, you can grind it up. Put about a tsbp per gallon of soil on the soil's surface and water it in with phd water.
It helps if you can work in into the soil, but if you think you might damage the roots just leave it on the surface. Give it a few
days and check your ph again. They'll perk up once you get that ph hammered out.

Los Muertos

Active Member
This is what you're looking for.

gro-plus-dolomite-lime.jpg EspomaGardenLime.jpg
If you can't find lime I'd just water with the 7.5. Just check your ph every now and then. Good luck!

Los Muertos

Active Member
I'm thinking the leaf pic is definately ph related if you're at 5.2 in soil. Couldn't say as far as the male..may be a little early.


thanks. Any advices on how can I raise the PH in soil with household (grocery store) items. I googled the lime, and I can't find it here. Maybe I can find ph adjusters for aquarium, will these work in soil?

Also I need your advices on another point, I have a lowrider in six weeks and the others I plan to put in 12/12 because of the size of the box. Will 12/12 hurt Lowrider very much. I read it's not good for yeld. Or should I use 11/13? If it's that bad for Lowrider I can wait for two more weeks with hope that it will be over. I have only one Lowrider, and one female for sure. The others are in pictures.

Los Muertos

Active Member
no, I am in eastern europe.
Ahh..ok. You'd probably have to go to a garden center or nursery to find the lime. Maybe even a hardware store.
It's available at Home Depot, Lowe's etc.. here in the US. You could get some online, but I guess shipping would
be pretty expensive. I don't really know of anything else you could use other than hardwood ash and that usually
takes a long time to work.

I don't think the aquarium ph ^ will do much good for the soil. Really only used for liquids. I suppose you could
ph your water higher, to 8.0 or so, but even that's not going to have much effect on your soil's ph. Might raise it a
some. No hydro/grow shops anywhere near you?

12/12 shouldn't hurt your Lowryders at all. You might not get quite as much, but it's not going to mess them up.