pH meters?


I'm looking to purchase a good quality, fairly inexpensive pH meter. I'm thinking of getting the Apera Instruments AI311 Premium Series PH60 Waterproof pH Pocket Tester. Anyone familiar or have any suggestions?
I ordered a Milwaukee pH600 pH meter back on December 6th off Ebay. The meter finally arrived yesterday, it was held up by USPS and not the seller. Today I calibrated per instructions using the supplied fluid.

I measured for PH in a gallon of water that's been sitting for about a week. pH measured 7.3.
Bluelab and Apera were the brands I was debating between but tried some drops this morning. pH measured high... I'm pretty worried about this guy. My first indoor, auto at 7 weeks from sprout. I'm using ocean forest and just tap water. Maybe lockout?

If that's the $49 Apera on Amazon, it's surprisingly decent! I do recommend double checking with a test kit once in a while, for important readings like if you make up a big batch of nutes, even good PH wands get off sometimes and you want to catch it before something bad happens. The good news is, we become so familiar with how much nutes/ph down we use, it's pretty obvious when the PH wand accuracy is majorly off.
What do you consider inexpensive? In my experience, all the pens will break within a year. I've been using the Hanna HI9814 combo meter and love it. The quick cal solution lets you calibrate it in under a minute and it measures PH and EC/PPM all at once with one probe.
What do you consider inexpensive? In my experience, all the pens will break within a year. I've been using the Hanna HI9814 combo meter and love it. The quick cal solution lets you calibrate it in under a minute and it measures PH and EC/PPM all at once with one probe.

Under $100 for now. I'm so new and inexperienced (just being transparent). I don't want to spend too much on one until I get a better feel for what I'm doing.
Forget the pH pen (and all that goes with it) and just use Advanced Nutrients.

I've read a lot of mixed reviews on using nutes with Fox Farm Ocean Forest and autos. I'm growing two Bruce Banners. Guy on the left has hardly any yellow, guy on the right is yellowing. Some say this is normal at week 7 but seems early for me.

What is this trend to use pH meters with soil.

Most of you read someone else's wrong stuff, read a thread where they did it without mentioning pH and use that hundred dollars on an actual life problem.

Talk about selling ice to Eskimos!
What is this trend to use pH meters with soil.

Most of you read someone else's wrong stuff, read a thread where they did it without mentioning pH and use that hundred dollars on an actual life problem.

Talk about selling ice to Eskimos!

Educate me.
I've been using the drops for over 25 years.
Never wrong and needs no calibration.........and it's cheap.

If check the colors on the bottle against a PH pen. Its wrong. I used the drops forever. Then bought a pen. One day I compared the two.

The drop color chart is so far off its not even funny. Now I keep the drops as a back up only. Knowing the right color if I have use the drops.