Ph metres??

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I'm looking at some ph meters and I would like one that is reliable and decently priced, I also want a probe metre and I would prefer it if it is a continuous reading one lol.

I've found these 3, for around 100$ aud.

Out of these what do you think is the better option?

And do you have any other meters that u would recommend?

I love the bluelab guardian and the hanna continuous ph/ppm style metres, but are a tad pricey and I can't find any suppliers that will sell me a hanna in Australia.... Well for a decent price anyway.
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I gave up on Hanna combo meters. I run Blue Lab pH meters now, they have an excellent probe tip soaking cap. During an absence of growing, though, one probe dried out and is ruined. They have BNC connectors and are easily replaced. I'm waiting for a cheaper generic, single junction refillable probe to be delivered tomorrow.
milwaukee is good
blue lab is good
hanna is good
there's alot more brand and even better (more functions, more precise and reliable) ones, but it's not worth the price difference imo.

personally I use 2 CHEAP china EC/PH Meters and 2 hanna meters. I use buffer solution pretty often on the Chinese ones just because I have read many people who had problems with them. Personally I have not had problems with them yet, and they show the same readings as my Hanna meters.
Get yourself a used lab-grade meter like this one (there are dozens of other brands, but this is the brand I have experience with):

Then buy a few of these cheap probes so you always have them on hand (I've tried different ones, but these are the best so far):

This meter was prob about $1200 when new. Most of these meters also have a mw range so you hook up other types of sensors, such as an apogee light meter.
I've never heard or seen ANY of those posted above. Here's what I've been using for almost 5 years. It comes with a 5 year warranty. I've read MANY bad reports on hanna I'd avoid them. Blulab is the way to go. Get this combo meter. The only thing it won't do is test the soil. But if needed they have another meter for that. I'd recommend them everyday!

Don't forget you have to calibrate any meter that's worth a dam. If you don't do it as needed any meter will give you bad results. Very important to calibrate as needed.
BlueLab Guardian combo or Blue Lab I have used and still have.
I have a cheap $25 China PH meter, the newer one that has a button instead of the shit screwdriver. Just as accurate my Blue Lab.
If I had to buy again i would just buy the China version ( Digital PH China meter) over the blue lab unless I was running a resivior that needed constant monitoring.