PH Problem, Plz Help


Well-Known Member
First grow
tent/400w hps
soiless mix (vermeculite/peat moss/pearlite)

little ones are bout a month, ive been very poor since i started this and could not afford a PH meter or PPM meter.

From the looks of it i have a phos def.

ive been using reverse osmosis/distilled? water from walmart and im sure this is my whole problem since i havnt set the ph at all this whole time

i recently came across a soil ph meter, tested the soil and its bout 7.5

i just started on phos nute 2 feedings ago. and have been using ff grow big and big bloom lightly recently. (b4 i got ahold of soil ph meter)

I made the mistake of using a full dose of nutes early in their life and burnt them a little bit, so ive been scared to use them until recently when i figred out they have a def.

So now i need to flush the soil with some water set at 5.8 correct?? and set all of my water from now on to 5.8 correct?

also what can i use to naturally lower the ph of my water since im too broke to buy some ph down????


Thanks all, i appreciate all feed back!



Looks to me like over watering or over feeding. Phosphorus deficiency usually shows browning of the tips. At that size they don't really need to much nutrients and are you flowering that plant? If not you shouldn't be using bloom nutes as the plant wont use all of the nutrients, they will build up in the soil and will lock out nutrients later. Most young plants grown in soil do just fine with the nutes that are already in it. Hope this helps.:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Okay but i still should flush with corrected ph water to try to fix the ph of my soil????
buy a ph test kit, they are cheap from any place that sells fish or plants.

if ur not gonna do that, i'd suggest buying bottled water to water with


buy a ph test kit, they are cheap from any place that sells fish or plants.

if ur not gonna do that, i'd suggest buying bottled water to water with
You should flush but with twice the water to the size pot your using ph'd correctly, you can also test the run off as you go so you can see if that is the problem. The biggest mistakes most new growers make is over watering and over feeding. The next time you water ( or after you flush) feel how heavy the pot is lift it up and get a good feel for it, then wait until the plant starts to droop a little from being thirsty lift the pot and feel the difference this will cause minimal stress to the plant (nothing a little foliar spray with vitamin B in it wont fix) but will be well worth it if it gives you a better over all feel for when to water the plant. From that point on just lift your pots everyday and when you feel it starting to get pretty light water it.


Well-Known Member
ive been using bottle water, and i just ordered a PH meter,

Thx a lot photoman509 thats what i thought, 5.8 ph for soil?? right


Well-Known Member
6.5 ph for soil, try to keep it about there, a little higher is better than a little low.


Active Member
First grow
tent/400w hps
soiless mix (vermeculite/peat moss/pearlite)

little ones are bout a month, ive been very poor since i started this and could not afford a PH meter or PPM meter.

From the looks of it i have a phos def.

ive been using reverse osmosis/distilled? water from walmart and im sure this is my whole problem since i havnt set the ph at all this whole time

i recently came across a soil ph meter, tested the soil and its bout 7.5

i just started on phos nute 2 feedings ago. and have been using ff grow big and big bloom lightly recently. (b4 i got ahold of soil ph meter)

I made the mistake of using a full dose of nutes early in their life and burnt them a little bit, so ive been scared to use them until recently when i figred out they have a def.

So now i need to flush the soil with some water set at 5.8 correct?? and set all of my water from now on to 5.8 correct?

also what can i use to naturally lower the ph of my water since im too broke to buy some ph down????


Thanks all, i appreciate all feed back!
You can use vinegar to lower PH
"PAZ" (Peace)