ph problems ??? overfet ??? **pics** **details**

Here's the rundown:

I have some ladies growing in rockwool and soil . they are all exhibiting the same problems . the biggest and middle fan leaves are affected first where they become extremely yellow/brown in between the veins that continues to eat up, dry, brown, and curl the leaf . from here , the biggest middle fan leaves are affected and it works it's way up .

I have tried giving these guys every possible deficient nutrient but to no avail so . . now i'm left with some really hot mediums from trying to address these deficiencies .... i think . .

i tried flushing this lady in rockwool who is being hand-watered in a drip-to-waste system . i use ferts every feeding and i water every other day .

after all these problems i flushed her out wiht about 1.5 gallons of clearex flushing solution . the original clearex solution was at a ph of 10 . the runoff ph was at about 7.2 . does this mean the rockwool's ph is at about 5?? also , the PPMs from the runoff were 3000+

since then, the rockwool cube has been DRENCHED and is not draining so well , the yellowing/browning and curling of the leaves continues .

what do i do now ?

i'm having similar issues with my soil ladies who are in 50/50 FoxFarm OceanForest and FoxFarm LightWarrior . i have been watering with nutes every time i water (about 2x a week in 3gal containers) . will this cause the soil to be waaaay too hot ? (using foxfarm nutes btw) should i only be watering with nutes until the plant has used all the nutes in the soil and begins to exhibit deficiencies ??? what should my watering schedule be like (when to nute , how often to nute) with soils that have nutrients like FF OceanForest ???

if it is indeed a ph/overfert problem with the soil , what options do i have ? the soil ladies are also about 3 weeks into flower and they are looking great minus the start of these deficiencies ....

here are some pics of what kind of dmg i'm looking at::::


Mr. Blue

Active Member
3000+PPMs... Im gonna go with nute burn also.
I use FoxFarmOF. I only use nutes at half strenght every other time I water. FF comes out the bag hot and holds nutes well. You shouldnt be feeding every watering while in soil.
Idk how your feeding should be for your hydro though.
Good luck
thanks guys i appreciate the info .

does anyone else have any suggestions as with feeding with FF soils ?

what can i do to remedy the situation i'm in now ? sitting with a few ladies in soil (3rd week of flower) that is starting to turn pretty hot .
what about my rockwool lady ? should i feed with ph balanced water for a few days and then return back to easy nutes ?

Silky Shagsalot

Well-Known Member
i've never heard of someone using rock-wool and soil. rock-wool is hydro, soil is not. hydro ph is 5.8, soil ph is 6.5, and never the twain should meet, lol. when you have the problems you describe from the bottom up, it is usually nute burn. using ferts every time you water, every other day, in the medium(s) you're using is prob. the cause of your probs. weather you are feeding, or flushing, you should use the correct ph for your medium. since you are using different mediums, requiring different ph levels, you're asking for trouble, imo. yeah, rock-wool is not going to dry up if it's encased in soil, which is pretty good at retaining water. what do you do now? well, the medium is probably retaining a great deal of nutes, hence your 3000+ ppm run-off. all you can do about that is flush, or transplant out of the crap you're in. this may or may not be possible. the root system may be well established (grown into) the rock-wool. there could be a lot of root damage trying to transplant. the soil mixed in with the rock-wool, is going to make it difficult to separate the two w/o major root damage. it's kind of a crap shoot. you'd prob be better off flushing. only problem with that is the 2 mediums are really gonna retain water, which could cause problem with air to the roots. as for your soil plants, you're feeding/watering too much. soil plants need feeding once a week, with plain, properly ph'd water between feeds. make sure you let them dry up between watering/feeds. if you don't, the roots will get no air. if you use a medium with added nutes, like ffof, you have to keep that in mind when feeding. in other words, you have to use reduced feed rates to compensate for the pre-added ferts in your medium. you can't go by the manufacturers suggested feed strength. good luck!
i have 2 separate grows in 2 different mediums . i have a soil grow and a rockwool grow . the mediums are NOT mixed . . .
does anyone know a solid feeding schedule using FoxFarm soils + whatever nutes ?

i'm having trouble trying to formulate a feed schedule where there are already nutrients in the soil .