ph problems


Active Member
hey guys im having some ph problems. I make sure i ph my water to about 6.5 before i water my plants but while checking runoff water its reading around 4. Im growing in FFOF with perlite and my plants are in there flowering pots and im wondering if i could put some lime ontop of the soil and how much?


Well-Known Member
1 tablespoon per gallon of soil and after sprinkling it I would flush, sounds like you have salt buildup


Active Member
1 tablespoon per gallon of soil and after sprinkling it I would flush, sounds like you have salt buildup
Thanks for the quick reply. Im having spotting and burnt leaves and ive sprayed leaves with epsom salt solution and also a bug and fungas organic spray and it doesnt seem to have helped could the leaves be a ph thing? Also i have used no nutes until today so i know its not a burn. Thanks


Well-Known Member
prolly got a lockout due to the low ph, flush should help, regular water for at least a week after, just keep an eye on new growth as the damage will remain, what you want to see is it stop