Ph problems


Active Member
right basically im living in a major city and the tap water here is high 7 almost 8 from what i can tell form tests i have done. i was just wondering as i dont have lot of money to invest into stuff to measure ph properly and lower it could i just buy bottled water and use that and would be ok?
I have found some bottled water which at the source of bottling is ph 6.1 ... do you think this will be ok to water my plants with? its cheap and its easier than messing around with stuff i dont fully understand. I am growing in soil atm and have just done a flush with this water, i hope it sorts my problem out!
Do you think that this is be alright to use or is it worth investing on some proper equipment to do the job?

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
I would at the very least buy a reliable PH meter and some PH down. Adding nutrients will change your PH and as your recipe changes, so will your PH. I had the same situation with my city water and this sorted it out. Mine was PHed at 7.5.


I use my tap water and it has been lab tested at 7.8ph

I use neuts, so over time, the ph of my soil slowly drops.

When soil ph lowers I add dolomite lime as wetdog suggests to raise soil ph

Other then that no problems on my end with 7.8 ph water from the city.