Ph tester


Active Member
hi guys,

anyone can recommend decent water ph meter available in the UK? I have found BlueLab one having good rating but it’s a bit expensive (68 quid) so I’m looking for something cheaper but accurate. Also would you recommend getting soil ph tester as well, I had one on my previous grow but it was rubbish and hardly used it I don’t know if I should get another one or water ph tester be enough? Cheers
It's around £70 the Apera ph 60 has a soil or liquid tip, the probes/tips are replaceable for £30.
hi guys,

anyone can recommend decent water ph meter available in the UK? I have found BlueLab one having good rating but it’s a bit expensive (68 quid) so I’m looking for something cheaper but accurate. Also would you recommend getting soil ph tester as well, I had one on my previous grow but it was rubbish and hardly used it I don’t know if I should get another one or water ph tester be enough? Cheers
I'll second the Apera PH60, but I'd go with the drops for soil.