PH testing: Strips or Pen?


Active Member
Im using strips because the reviews on amazon of ph tester pens were iffy. Mostly accuracy or calibration issues.

Has anyone here had good experiences with a PH pen? It'd be nice to get a number and not be judging by approx color.


Well-Known Member
Ugh, for years I messed around with those ridiculous pens that are unreliable, break easy and need to be calibrated often to even be in the ballpark. The strips are okay in a pinch.

This is what I use. I find it to be more practical for everyday use than anything else.

It's called a PH Test Kit. They're about $5-7 wherever you get them. They're reliable and a bottle lasts me about 6 months of everyday use. Though, now that I have my new formula dialed in, I rarely need to check the PH. The trick is to find a mix that balances to 6ish when everything is added to your particular water.


Well-Known Member
I have been using the GH pH test kit for years - it's never wrong, it's inexpensive, it doesn't need calibration, it doesn't need both 4.0 and 7.0 calibration solutions, and it doesn't need storage solution. I grow in coco so my nute solution is under 6.0, as long as the color is an orangish/yellow I'm good to go. I found that the color chart on the bottle is a bit off so I downloaded a pic of actual vials showing the true colors for 6.5,6.0,5.5, and 5.0. The pic is spot on. Obviously if you're color blind you need a pen. LOL.

a senile fungus

Well-Known Member
Cheap pen with the ph drops to verify. I got a nice tri-meter now, but I started with the ph drops 8yrs ago and aimed for the color of piss.


Active Member
GH kit it is,thanks guys. Ive been using lab grade strips but fucked up and locked boron out for a while.probably me more than the strips obviously. i ph big batches of water and nutes/water all at once so i dont really need a meter to frequently test,just something very reliably accurate,once in a while.