Ph trifles...short pistils because of strain or stress?


Active Member
I was hoping anyone might have some insight as to a few troubles I’m having trouble identifying...

the ph of the run off on a couple plants is coming out somewhere between 5 and 6 and I keep putting in tap water even to flush, for days now, and still the run off is hot. No ppm/ec or ph tester just rolling with the old school drops in a vial ph testing method, that information would be useful but alas I don’t have it.

Secondly, the pistils on a couple flowers are oddly short and I was wondering if maybe that would be a result of the stress these plants have had lately?

They also survived a mighty attack of aphids and mites. The battle was long and gruelling but things seem much better now. Used H2O2 and Enzyme Komplete, and finally Jakes Plant spray as foliar sprays. There was some light burning as they had it pretty rough for a while.

here are some photos:
They don’t look so weird in the photos, hard to capture I guess, but in person they are shorter and don’t look like they’re reaching as much as they should.

Any help Is greatly appreciated! :hump: