ph up but does that mean down ??

lol im a bit thick,some of my pots of soil are as high as ph 9 and was trying to get it down,but to get it down do u get ph up ?? the lowest reading is 1 and that is ACID AND 10 IS ALKALINE, 7 IS NUTRAL, but if i want to go down from8 to seven (is that up ?? ) i got lemon juce and tested it and it was alkaline then got white vinegar and that was alkaline got some ph down and put probe in that and it was same ??? what the fuck :)
1 other thing i cant find growing ph up and downs is ones for fish tanks ok ??​


Well-Known Member
can you retype that ? I'm truly not gettting what you are saying.

you want to get the pH down you use ph down.

you mix it in the water.
can you retype that ? I'm truly not gettting what you are saying.

you want to get the pH down you use ph down.

you mix it in the water.
my ph is 8 and 9 in some pots (to alkaline )i want it more acid ie down (but i tested vineger ant that was alkaline tried lemon and that was alkaline got ph down and that is alkaline what do u add alkaline to make soil acid ?? thought was other way round iv been putting soda in water as well ant that takes the ph up even more (tap water throught fridge water suply)
ps thanks for your reply


Well-Known Member
I have no idea what you are saying. If your PH is too high you use some ph down. If you Ph is too low you use Ph up or use more watter...


Well-Known Member
ok, I'll try. pH scale reads 1-14. 1 is absolute acid, 14 absolute base. To lower the pH add an acid and to raise you add base. Vinegar and properly stored pH down are acids. Soda is a base. If your pH test shows otherwise, test your test. Either contamination is occuring, or your test is flawed. My guess is your probe is not calibrated or you are using the wrong probe for the job. If you ars using a digital pH meter, go to a hydro or reef store, buy some pH 7.01 calibration fluid and calibrate the pH meter per manufacturers instructions. Some words on pH meters : they are succeptible to rf interference from electronic ballasts and other devices (iPhone!) . Do your tests with your lights off and your cell not in your pocket or on the table nextto the meter. How did you test to arive at 9? Is this a soils pH probe? If so it was never designed for liquid use, and can be damaged by immersion. I test my soil with a soil probe and my liquid with a digital meter designed for use with heavy organic loads.
ok, I'll try. pH scale reads 1-14. 1 is absolute acid, 14 absolute base. To lower the pH add an acid and to raise you add base. Vinegar and properly stored pH down are acids. Soda is a base. If your pH test shows otherwise, test your test. Either contamination is occuring, or your test is flawed. My guess is your probe is not calibrated or you are using the wrong probe for the job. If you ars using a digital pH meter, go to a hydro or reef store, buy some pH 7.01 calibration fluid and calibrate the pH meter per manufacturers instructions. Some words on pH meters : they are succeptible to rf interference from electronic ballasts and other devices (iPhone!) . Do your tests with your lights off and your cell not in your pocket or on the table nextto the meter. How did you test to arive at 9? Is this a soils pH probe? If so it was never designed for liquid use, and can be damaged by immersion. I test my soil with a soil probe and my liquid with a digital meter designed for use with heavy organic loads.
thanks for that reply
first thing i used a soil probe not dig,2nd thing i used it on the lemon juce and vineger and lol every thing (but did clean it every time not with fine sand paper dont want it to end up worn out) i taged my pots with there ph levels think i better re test them to see if it is 9 will kill my flowering babys wont it ?
fish tank ph down will be ok wont it (if ok for breeding freshwater fish)
thanks for ur help


Well-Known Member
since I have no idea of the ingredients, my answer is no. Use distilled white vinegar from the grocery store to lower the pH of your nutrient solution. If your soil pH is REALLY 9, growth should be very stunted. If this isn't the case, your probe is crap. Most sub $200 soil probes are such. Sorry. Some work, most read the same thing regardless of the true mediums pH. If your pH is high in your soil, you can water with 5.5-6.0 until it brings it to within desired range, then maintain with a watering solution of 6.2-6.7. If soil pH is low, add hydrated lime to your water and watch for the slow effect. Go sparingly hen adjusting pH as some proccesses take a couple days/weeks to unfold. Best way to get a good reading cheaply is to scoop out with a melon baller a few samples from different areas in the pot, then measure and add twice the amount of distilled water. Mix well, cap, allow to settle, test the liquid with a digital pH probe. This is real close to actual soil pH. Want dead accurate soil measurements, save pennies, buy a lamotte soil probe. Very nice.