ph water during flush?


Active Member
Hi guys. I`m new to forum. Grew for about 8 years straight then took a 5 year break and am now back into it again due to crap economy.

Question is do the experts ph their water during the rinse cycle?

here is link to some pics of current show.
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I do hydroponics. I find it much easier to control and track plant growth and food intake.

This is my first sealed room with no exhaust or intake. Just 2 rooms beside each other. When lights on in one room other room is off. Air is being cycled through both room continuously. This gives me fresh air and co2. So far seems to be working well.

All feed back welcome. Peace. :weed:


Well-Known Member
:cuss: Fricken economy! I feel ya man, I'm pretty much doin the same thing for the same reason:sad:. To answer ur question yes ph any water/food u put in ur res. I'm a soil guy myself, so i got some lee-way with my ph ya know? U on the other hand, need to make sure it's right, and if it's not, those girls will let u know quick in hydro! Good luck man!


Active Member
Awesome guys. Thank you very much for quick reply.

The room has been a battle with mites since the get go. I now go in every day and vacuum the plants unfortunately. They still seem to keep growing though which is good despite some of the damage the vacuum inflicts. Also i am seeing some Hermie stuff going on and am also getting powdery mildew this last week. With only 2 weeks to go to make it 8 week total I will probably harvest 5 days early.

Thanks again guys for your comments. Really great forum with tons of info. I will definitely recommend this place to all my friends.

Looking forward to spending some time here. peace!

Silky Shagsalot

Well-Known Member
LOL, i can't imagine after seeing a set-up like that, that you need to ask about flushing.... seems pretty clear you know what you're doing. final flushing doesn't need to be ph'd.


Well-Known Member
weed grows best at Ph levels around 6, so that would be the sweet spot, but even lower or higher ph wont be a problem since there are no nutes to lock out during flushing :)


Active Member
LOL, i can't imagine after seeing a set-up like that, that you need to ask about flushing.... seems pretty clear you know what you're doing. final flushing doesn't need to be ph'd.
Hi Silky. You are right I should know but really Im not sure. I have gotten 2 different answers here lol.

It makes sense to me to ph as to get plant to use up all nutes. But I could be wrong. Or maybe not to ph so plant doesnt take up nutes. i guess Im concerned about the nutes left in plant not being used up and left in final product. Also is ph up and down solution affect taste in the end?

Its these types of questions I ask myself but am not sure of the answer.

I found this strain sucks up the nutes at 6.4 . water temp aroun 69 to 73 ish. thats as cool as I can keep it at the moment.