Ph water with nutes

Hey there everyone,

I think I have a quick question to have answered, but not sure.

So here is the process of giving nutes and am not sure if it would be "the correct way."
  1. I calculate the nutes amounts and mix in a 3 gallon carboy with regular tap water. I use this container cause it is the only larger one I have and don't want to keep mixing 1 gallon batches.
  2. Once water and nutes are mixed, I then take a water sample and test the PH with my meter.
  3. Once I have that number I will then adjust the PH to get it to 6.5.
  4. Then I water the plants.
I am not sure if this is the correct way or.....

Should I just fill up the 3 gallon carboy, PH adjust the water, add nutes, then water the plants?

If anyone had some time to answer this with reasoning which way is what I should be doing that would totally be appreciated.

Thanks much!
You are good.
Mixing order. (Ignore items you are not using)

0. Tap or RO
1. Silica
2. Cal / mag
3. Base/Micro nutes
4. Cal-Nit
Mix thoroughly between each item.

Check and adjust PPM/EC.

Check and adjust PH.