Ph’ing water and using recharge


Well-Known Member
Hello I’m kinda new to the mix your own soil thing so I’ll start by letting you know exactly what I’m doing and how I’m doing it I’m growing indoors under a hlg 650 scorpion 4 1000 watt sunraise and 18 barinna four ft lights set up to have multiple color spectrums also using two agromax led four ft bars at 36 to 40 inches with normal light cycle growing in 7 gallons fabric pots Scrogged all lights maintain a 28 to 36 inch distance my soil is a mix of three parts each part being 2 and 1/2 gallons making each mix one cubic foot of medium I start with one part five year old amended Amish horse compost very healthy hearty stuff then one part perlite one part coco coir mixed with one and 1/2 cups epsoma garden tone one cup lime one cup kelp meal and four cups glacial rock dust watered with well not city tap water no chlorine or chemicals added water is medium in hardness and ph runs around mid sevens on scale I’m watering twice weekly with one gallon each water no runoff and the little I do have is collected in catch pan to soak back up I’m prefixing silica and cal mag at 1.5 ml per gallon and recharge at every other watering my question is should I ph the water or run it as is and if so should I ph before I add the recharge also soil is top dressed with one inch of garden straw going to top dress with epsom salt one week before inducing flower any advice would be greatly appreciated
What is the PH and PPMs of your well water? I have very alkaline water, so I ph mine to 6.5 with citric acid when I'm growing in a living soil mix, but if your well water is closer to neutral, you don't need to worry about PHing it.
My ppm is around 150 to 200 the ph is 7.2 to 7.5 I just wonder I usually use bottled food and ph my water after I mix it I just know using this recharge your not supposed to ph just makes me nervous I’m so used to one way and this the exact opposite I seen where it’s hard to lower the ph after you add the recharge
From Real Growers website...

"Recharge can be tank mixed and added to your usual water / nutrient solution. We suggest adding Recharge last, after you adjust your pH. Recharge will initially raise the pH of your solution, but you do NOT need to correct it. The microbes in Recharge are able to actively feed plants at a wide range of pH levels"
Okay thank you so I’ll add in my silica and cal mag then ph my water then add my recharge without ph’ing anymore then water that’s what I was looking for thank guys much appreciated also I was told not to use standard ph up and down as it has chemicals and is a unattractive way of adjusting