Phosphoload ???

I was told it was a wasted of money,some ended up dropping it out of there feed regimin ,and it was just another bottle to sell to add into a nute line up , However people told me the same on Rhino skin but i like the science behind it so im gnna give it a run , buying a little bottle for your self to see a diffrence will be the only way to know for sure !

If anybody has done a side by side already please share.
damn thats alot .its a pgr right? is it similar to emeralds bushmaster?

im going to the hydro shop either today and tomorrow , im gnna go into flower soon , im thinking maybe i should run it, on a couple plants ,and settle this lol . 120 tho man???? haha
Man im looking it up now OMG its fucking expensive , Im going to run it i have a lil extra cash , how bout that GH bushload??? only 40 bux . damn the only way to know Im for sure gnna run 1 of them when i flower this Next weekend , If i can knock the price down a bit then ill get the ANs or hell depending how im feeling and the bills look I might get both . for the sake of myth breaking and plant science lol

Lets see if there alleged claims are true im going to run 2 blue dream 2 bay 11 2 Og 2 blackjacks 2 super sour D 2 medusa , and i will be hitting 1 strain with and 1 W/O , and we will get to the bottom of this !!
yea , i heard the paclobutrazol is only safe on ornamental plants , theres lots of studies on it , from my understanding it pgr's are very poisonous . thats why it was pulled from shelves along with gravity ,maybe they tweeked it a bit enough to sell in shops again but is still something like 20.6 ppm, and bushmasters is something like 300 ppm
Lab Testing Results courtesy of
Bushmaster: 271ppm Paclobutrazol
Gravity: 516ppm Paclobutrazol
Flower Dragon: 18,400-18,650ppm Daminozide, 30-46.3ppm Paclobutrazol
Phosphoload: 17,800ppm Daminozide, 20.6ppm Paclobutrazol
TopLoad: 3,467ppm Daminozide\

Any 1 have any input on these products or methods rusults etc? come on rui
thanx so far im looking a bushmasters to run for flowering but im just VERY ERRY of the paclobutrazal being in my soil ,maybe ill is it as a foliar , we need some more info on this tho , dang NO 1 on riu knows anything come on !

this is what i found so far on bushmaster Master Instructions.pdf

been doing alot of researching on kelp as well seems pretty solid might add it to my game to see if it does a difference pretty cheap and no harm in trying it out
Ok after hours of researching on pgrs, placobutrazol , and daminozide , Ive came to the conclusion it That PGRs are a Great product and will give you Awesome results and buds you are looking for AT THE COST OF POSSIBLE CANCER ,LIVER AND LUNG DISEASE ,its active ingrediant is a pesticide,ALSO YOU MIGHT SAY WHATS 2 ML PER GALLON 1 FEED GOING TO DO IT WILL FLUSH OUT BY THE TIME HARVEST COMES , NO WRONG ITS STSTEMIC THRU OUT THE PLANT WICH MEANS IT NEVER FLUSHES OUT AND STAY IN THE BUD AND PLANT OVERALL.I WILL NOT RISK MY health or other patients that i donate my meds to that kind of stuff

your pretty much turning beautiful medication ,into shit like tobacco. If i had the chance to talk to the creators of this and they were tryna promote it for use on MJ id stop em in there tracks and smack the F out of them!
phosphoload, from what i am understanding, is harmfull when ingested. or is harmfull when it is in a crop that is meant to be consumed via your mouth, chewed, and swallowed. but the msds states that it is not harmful when inhaled. also states that there is not enough evidence to prove that paclobutazol cuases cancer.
! The material is not thought to produce either adverse health effects or irritation of the respiratory tract following inhalation (as classified using animal models).
Nevertheless, adverse effects have been produced following exposure of animals by at least one other route and good hygiene practice requires that exposure be kept to a minimum and that suitable control measures be used in an occupational setting.
! Persons with impaired respiratory function, airway diseases and conditions such as emphysema or chronic bronchitis, may incur further disability if excessive concentrations of particulate are inhaled.
! Ample evidence from experiments exists that there is a suspicion that this material directly reduces fertility.
There has been some concern that this material can cause cancer or mutations but there is not enough data to make an assessment. Limited evidence suggests that repeated or long-term occupational exposure may produce cumulative health effects involving organs or biochemical systems.
Exposure to the material may cause concerns for humans owing to possible developmental toxic effects, on the basis that similar materials tested in appropriate animal studies provide some suspicion of developmental toxicity in the absence of signs of marked maternal toxicity, or at around the same dose levels as other toxic effects but which are not a secondary non-specific consequence of other toxic effects.

what we should really be thinking is if it is harmful, why are they still animal testing this stuff, and how are they testing it. do they roll up a fatty and give it to monkeys? i dont think so. they strap a mask on them and blow alot of smoke into their lungs and boom! and guess what? cannabis is very deadly when inhaled. omg!! nooo!!! not canabis. dont fall for lies. if it causes cancer, so what? what doesnt cause cancer now a days. u can get cancer by being out in the sun.
and i use phosphoload in every run i did so far and i wont do a run without it. this stuff works. period. nothing else to say about it. 5 years now i been using it and guess what? no cancer or side effects except that it doubles/triples your yeild and cola size. but, if u dont know what you are doing, or how to use it, dont waste your money. side by side test and u will see a huge difference. enough said.
I NEVER said it didnt work, look at my posts , I said exactly the opposite, Im sure it works wonders along with bushmaster or other PGRs , all im saying is there is that chance of it effecting you, Im not gnna smoke something that was flushed with azmax ,why the F, would i smoke something that has a bunch of SHit in it, all in all ,not for me man!
phosphoload, from what i am understanding, is harmfull when ingested. or is harmfull when it is in a crop that is meant to be consumed via your mouth, chewed, and swallowed. but the msds states that it is not harmful when inhaled. also states that there is not enough evidence to prove that paclobutazol cuases cancer.
! The material is not thought to produce either adverse health effects or irritation of the respiratory tract following inhalation (as classified using animal models).
Nevertheless, adverse effects have been produced following exposure of animals by at least one other route and good hygiene practice requires that exposure be kept to a minimum and that suitable control measures be used in an occupational setting.
! Persons with impaired respiratory function, airway diseases and conditions such as emphysema or chronic bronchitis, may incur further disability if excessive concentrations of particulate are inhaled.
! Ample evidence from experiments exists that there is a suspicion that this material directly reduces fertility.
There has been some concern that this material can cause cancer or mutations but there is not enough data to make an assessment. Limited evidence suggests that repeated or long-term occupational exposure may produce cumulative health effects involving organs or biochemical systems.
Exposure to the material may cause concerns for humans owing to possible developmental toxic effects, on the basis that similar materials tested in appropriate animal studies provide some suspicion of developmental toxicity in the absence of signs of marked maternal toxicity, or at around the same dose levels as other toxic effects but which are not a secondary non-specific consequence of other toxic effects.

what we should really be thinking is if it is harmful, why are they still animal testing this stuff, and how are they testing it. do they roll up a fatty and give it to monkeys? i dont think so. they strap a mask on them and blow alot of smoke into their lungs and boom! and guess what? cannabis is very deadly when inhaled. omg!! nooo!!! not canabis. dont fall for lies. if it causes cancer, so what? what doesnt cause cancer now a days. u can get cancer by being out in the sun.
I get what your trying to say but if i can aviod it i will, besides people have been getting way better results without phosphoload since the 60s maybe even 1000 years ago, like everything else its all about knowledge and teq.
yea , i heard the paclobutrazol is only safe on ornamental plants , theres lots of studies on it , from my understanding it pgr's are very poisonous . thats why it was pulled from shelves along with gravity ,maybe they tweeked it a bit enough to sell in shops again but is still something like 20.6 ppm, and bushmasters is something like 300 ppm

They were pulled for mislabeling.
Paclo is in fact used on many of the fruits etc.. you eat that are imported.

Bushmaster: 271ppm Paclobutrazol-source California department of agriculture
Gravity: 516ppm Paclobutrazol-source California department of agriculture
Flower Dragon: 18,400-18,650ppm Daminozide, 30-46.3ppm Paclobutrazol
Phosphoload: 17,800ppm Daminozide, 20.6ppm Paclobutrazol
TopLoad: 3,467ppm Daminozide

It is important to note that Daminozide is much more dangerous than paclo.
I prefer Bushload as it is from a big supplier with the correct label it is 4000 ppm (the same formula as used commercially (bonzai etc)
Max dose at 1/4 milliliter per gallon/hydro start with less
These products work exceptionally well with snow storm ultra (safe pgr) to add increased resin production (which can be inhibited somewhat by paclo) to the super tight buds
isnt bushload from GH and it says on the label for ornamental plants , Mj isnt an ornamental plant, also the farming game has changed alot they put a bunch of shit in our food, thats why i have my own fruit and veggie garden ,of course i have to goto supermarket when im out but still all in all it is still shit going into the plant, look im not saying your going to get that possible side effect but it is there look at all this shit that is around now to produce more yield taste etc etc but then look at the ingrediants in it its all Bs , unnecessary toxins for your body . look back before there was all these "shortcuts" to making stuff like processed foods and high chemical content fertilizers ,people where living 100+ years and now we barely making it to 70-90 if your lucky,

If you want a boost in your yield at the risk of your health and patients then hey PGR away, but as for me I rather much use other things less harmfull to the body, Your body is a machine maintain it and it will last you , Im smoking and eating for the long haul
I've tried phosphoload .. It does work ! But u have to watch out for botrytis towards the end of flowering.
and i use phosphoload in every run i did so far and i wont do a run without it. this stuff works. period. nothing else to say about it. 5 years now i been using it and guess what? no cancer or side effects except that it doubles/triples your yeild and cola size. but, if u dont know what you are doing, or how to use it, dont waste your money. side by side test and u will see a huge difference. enough said.
Bro is this still around. Does it take from the quality?