Phosphoric acid mix for Ph down

Green wiggler

Active Member
I read somewhere that you can mix your own ph down. I bought a gallon from Amazon and I think it said to replace 32 oz of distilled water with 32 oz of phosphoric acid and it would make one gallon of ph down. Does that soundness right to anyone? Am i on the right track?
Not sure about what you bought... I just have the granular stuff that goes on candy, I just mix some with water than see how many drops it needs to take my water to where it needs to be
Phosphoric acid is PH down. It's just about the concentration lots of people just buy the watered down shit. A jug that size from the hydro store is like $50ish I think and will last most people a life time

Not sure about what you bought... I just have the granular stuff that goes on candy, I just mix some with water than see how many drops it needs to take my water to where it needs to be
That's Citric acid works good as well. But no good for hydroponic. Phosphoric acid will work.
I found the thread that i had read. It was posted by"applepoop 2008" it says:
phosphoric acid on the other hand is superior in every way except being a ph of .87 at 85% food grade vs sulfurics .3 ph at 97%:

1. non carcinogenic
2. sourced from food grade phosphoric acid
3. weaker than sulfuric thus much safer to handle
4. sold readily on amazon for 48$ a gallon or less

onto the tutorial.

what you need:

1. safety glasses
2. rubber gloves
3. measuring glass at least 32 oz
4. 1 gallon food grade phosphoric acid
5. 4 1 gallon containers of distilled water
6. dust mask
first put on gloves and glasses, open all 4 gallons of distilled water

pour out 32 oz into measuring glass from each bottle, discarding or saving for later

pour 32 oz of phosphoric acid into DRY measuring glass and then pour 32 oz into each gallon jug of water( we pour acid into water because acid will react violently if we do the opposite)

this makes each gallon contain 21% phosphoric acid, gh ph down has a concentration of 10-30% phosophoric acid putting each gallon of solution right in the middle of their "trade secret"
Thanks everyone. I had already bought the big-ass jug and was looking for the break down on the mix. And yeah, i probably won't need to buy much more of this. I just realized i used to treat rust on cars with this stuff.