Phosphorus def??


Active Member
Anyone have any idea what could be causing these burns on my seedlings? I have been researching and these pics look to be phosphorus or magnesium deficiency but that makes no sense to me since its too early to worry about that. What do you guys think? The plants are a week and a half old.

My setup:
400 watt MH
pH'd water (I use vinegar to lower pH)
2 drops/gallon superthrive (given every time i water, so about once every 3 or 4 days)
No nutes yet
80 degrees
Foxfarm soil



i honestly think it is NUTE burn from the ST growth hormone ur using. It says a drop or 2 per u use, however, with my babies, I always use half the recommendation on any label. these are should use 1 drop once a month perhaps for 2 months, then boost it up to two drops every 2 weeks etc. I have killed 5 plants bc of superthrive.....but when i use it sparingly as hell, i get fantastic results....some are unbelievable actually. right now i have 2 with ST, and 2 without ST. The 2 with have 2x as many bud sites, are 4inches taller cola to cola, and have already presented as female after just 5 days of 12/12 cycle. the other 2 have zero signs of sex and almost lok unhealthy in comparison to the ones with ST. and i used it once every 3 weeks for em...but they are in big 24in pots with fox farm organic, 1/3 perlite, 1/3miracle grow sphagmum peat, and fax farm bloom ferts, and nitrogen spikes for vegg.
the reason why 3 weeks back i didnt add ST is bc my sexy bitch of a girlfriend actually suggested or rather asked, " I wonder which'll taste better?" so, ill let u all kno inna few months if the plants with ST or without SuperThrive taste better, both having the same routine of flushing and all other factors remaining as constant as possible.....i hope both sets mature and get plucked the same time as well....or then we wont really know for certain i think....any ideas to ensure constants in this taste test??
Hmm I didn't know you can overdose on ST. I'll take your advice though and cut back on ST to see how it affects them. Thanks for the reply!
I watered last night with plain water and epsom salt but the problem has gotten worse today. Any one else have any idea what the problem could be?



The plants are getting worse still. Any one have any idea what it could possibly be? Growth is beginning to slow.
are you phing your water?

How far are lights?

Does the foxfarm soil have time release nutes?

You really shouldnt be giving any nutrients whatsoever for the first 3 weeks , id flush the soil with a few gallons of ph 6.8 - 7 water and see what happens.thats you best bet, itll get rid of whatever nutrients u have put in there. Seedlings only need water and light.

Try flushing and wait two days and see whats up.if there are no more bad spots then sweet.
to me it looks like you have a salt buildup in your soil,i would check the ph and what you are useing for water,but i would flush them with ro phed water,but thats me.
I have not given the plants any nutes whatsoever. My soil doesn't have any time-released nutes either. I have pH'd everything that I put in the soil to 6.6-6.8. I will try flushing once the soil gets a little drier but how will this help if I have not fed it anything besides water and superthrive (I did not feed it ST last watering)?

flushin them will hopefully clean out any build up of crap , salts etc that it inhibiting your plants roots from absorbing nutrients.
Oh man this is like a nightmare that wont end! I gave the plants a good flush with pH'd bottled water 2 days ago. Still no signs of improvement! Could fixing the pH with vinegar be the problem?


you could give them a spray of bottled water and put it in the sun for the day,like a window sill,that cures alot of ills that takes a while for roots to repair them selves be patient but observant i think you have done all you can,let it sit a day or two before giveing it a lite nute feeding.also it is just as bad for a plant to have fluctuateing ph as just haveing a ph thats a pont off sometimes,it looks like to me the water you were giveing it was high in salt and calcium.that shit blocks up the roots like a cheeseburger to the heart.
I understand it's difficult... believe me, but be patient after you try something. Growing any plant is sort of like having a fish tank; by the time something goes wrong, it can be several days or weeks for the plant to exhibit that there has been a problem. And often times then it can't fix itself (even if you do the right remedy) in a day or two. For example, by the time your plant shows there has been overfeeding it will continue to get worse for awhile even after you've flushed because those chemicals/nutrients have been absorbed through the roots and into the stem. Get your PH tested and make any changes necessary if that's the problem, but don't expect your girl to perk right up within 24 hours.
Thanks for the feedback guys. I guess I will just keep an eye over them for the next few days and see how they turn out. I will let you guys know how it goes. Thanks again for all the replies!
so i seem to be having the same exact problem and mine started out looking exactly like urs as a seedling. now ive been phing my tap water with shit i got from petsmart. that didnt seem to be the problem tho. but what i researched i seemed to get a deficiency of some sort outta what my plants got going on...
took these pics with camera...basically looking for advice if i shuld flush it or not and how i would go about doing first i thought it was overwatering because of the droopy leaves then brown dry spots started appearing :( this is feminized nl/skunk and its kinda dissapointing to see 1 of the 2 i got going be this bad off. 3 weeks in and seem very small for their age. using 3 cfl's 1" above the 2 of them with a flourescent t8 2 toob fixture for side lighting.


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