pic inside nirvana blue mystic in the wild

009.jpgas u can tell by the pic its not right it soft to feel and it getting worse help is neeeded with this one many thanks happy growing011.jpg010.jpg


Well-Known Member
are you feeding it? do you know your soils ph? how is other plants growing around it? is there pests? have you sprayed anything on them... give as much info as you can
ok sorry for being slow.
im growing in soil ph is 6.7 to 7.0 i test 2 a week when i see it i start with soil mix in some lime fish blood bones ,bonemeal batt poo pertile and when i go to feed its 3 lit water and seaweed plant food every other i did start 1/3 work my way upwards, ph to 6.7 cant ppm as i dont have a meter but all my other plants are doing well as its in the middle of no where in a farmers field it looks like he dont spray so thats about it. hope this helps thanks happy growing as for pest its in the middle of nowhere i get fucking bites when every i go to the plants just looks weak some of the leafs have got holes in them but no signs of bugs on the under side of the the leafs hope this helps