Picking a Sea of Green net


Well-Known Member
I like using Amazon for things. I'm a medical grower so no worry to hide things.

Here is what I like so far. What do you recommend? My space is a 4x3 foot 7 ft tall tent.

I have 4x 7.5 gal containers in a square under a 250 watt HPS hanging 15" above the plants right now. This my first DWC hydro grow and my first scrog.

How big should the holes be?

Any advice on getting these 3 week old plants ready for the net?

24"x36" PowerTye® Mfg Extra Large Cargo Net featuring 10 Adjustable Hooks & Tight 2x2 Mesh, Black
4.6 out of 5 stars52Reviews


Well-Known Member
Just know you'll have to cut right above that net, remove it.. Then finish the harvest.. I've used strings before it's easier to just cut them and harvest staggered should you want too. But I've found holding the ladies down can be quite a hassle without a net system with some strength to it.. It's all about even canopies for me 1" chicken wire works well for the initial net, should I need another string and loops is my go to. I stagger so I just snip the choice nugs, should I need to get below the screen I snip a hole out with dikes and go from there