**PICS** 21 Day old grow Please comment freely


Well-Known Member
These are 21 days in soil from germination. August 9th they went in the dirt. This is just bagseed. I originally germinated the seeds with the wet paper towel method. Once able to plant I originally put the sprouts in red beer cup then later used two 2 gallon pots and one 1 3/4 gallon pot. I have been using Fox Farm Ocean Forest Mix Soil. I used Mykos when transplanting from party cups. I have two going under 800watt equivalent or 8x26w Daylight 6500K CFLs. The I have the one going under 600watt equivalent or 6x26 Daylight 6500K CFLs. They run 24/7 with ventilation and wind. I have topped all the plants once and they stand about 6 to 7 inches tall. I wanna end up with 2 foot plants. I water thoroughly about every three to four days. I monitor moisture, PH, and light with a meter. One of them has a burn mark on her leaf from a fallen light. I have a bottle of Fox Farms Big Bloom. When do I use this? What does my time-line look like to any of your seasoned growers? Tips on trimming? Any info or criticism would be great. Small stealth grow. http://xtreme-gardening.com/mykos/what-is-mykos/



Active Member
beautiful big green leaves you are defiantly giving her the best, a 2 foot plant your gonnaa want to switch pretty soon have you thought about how much longer your gonna leave it in veg? i am by no means a pro im on my first grow and i wish mine looks as fine as yours sorry i cant answer your nut questions but this place is great im sure someone will


Well-Known Member
Hi Ecropolis,

My first time too on CFLS, I'm not really sure about my veg time. I was gonna give it another two weeks and check height for my are I would like to start flowering when I'm halfway to my target height. Not sure though.


Well-Known Member
The plant looks really healthy. Nice fat green leaves, looks indica. You will probably have to water more when it hits its growth spurt. Mine are almost the same. I water every 2 to 3 days during their growth spurt. Plant looks great, so your doing something right :D :leaf: I would only use the big bloom a couple times, once when you want to induce flowering and again when they start to fill in, depending if you are using any other nutes. They have a feeding schedule for foxfarm nutes that might be good to check out. Your looking at a 20-40 day veg time and 8-12 week flower time. Indica strains tend to flower earlier than sativa, ending up in a shorter flower cycle. i'd say 8 - 10 weeks of flower. To trim or not to trim? That is the question :lol:. I trim my plants. bottom third mostly. It has helped with my other plants, focuses more energy to the tops. Some say its good to trim, and some say its not. Up to the grower. Topping & lst work well with cfls. Just throwing that out there :D.. All in all, everything is looking great.. gl with the grow :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Hello Highlife,

Thanks for the feedback and info. Most cool of you! When I switch from veg to flower I have heard some talk about "shocking" the plant with darkness from 24-36 before you go flowering then pick up at 12-12. In your opinion what is the best way to change the light cycle from 24/7 veg to 12-12 flower?


Well-Known Member
Up to you. By doing that, the plant could flower sooner. Still, the end result wont be noticeable. It takes time to flower, one day of darkness is not going to make that big of a difference.:leaf:


Well-Known Member
These are 21 days in soil from germination. August 9th they went in the dirt. This is just bagseed. I originally germinated the seeds with the wet paper towel method. Once able to plant I originally put the sprouts in red beer cup then later used two 2 gallon pots and one 1 3/4 gallon pot. I have been using Fox Farm Ocean Forest Mix Soil. I used Mykos when transplanting from party cups. I have two going under 800watt equivalent or 8x26w Daylight 6500K CFLs. The I have the one going under 600watt equivalent or 6x26 Daylight 6500K CFLs. They run 24/7 with ventilation and wind. I have topped all the plants once and they stand about 6 to 7 inches tall. I wanna end up with 2 foot plants. I water thoroughly about every three to four days. I monitor moisture, PH, and light with a meter. One of them has a burn mark on her leaf from a fallen light. I have a bottle of Fox Farms Big Bloom. When do I use this? What does my time-line look like to any of your seasoned growers? Tips on trimming? Any info or criticism would be great. Small stealth grow. http://xtreme-gardening.com/mykos/what-is-mykos/
Hey Spiker welcome to RIU, i too am on my first grow. i would say if u wanted about 2 ft plant i would allow it to veg for about another week or two while jus pulling the light a little further away from the top for it to stretch a lil. Now wit the nutes i would say it would b best to wait until u start to see pistills and know for sure its flowering. then throughtout the 6-8 week of flowering i would only feed it about 4 or 5 times and flush for the last week or so. once again welcome and happy cultivating


Well-Known Member
Thank you for the welcome and thank you for the nute guidance! I aim to perfect the micro grow. How long with the FF Ocean Forest soil provide nutes for? Should I be supplementing with Grow Big anytime or is the soil good enough?


From what ive read on here FFOF soil feeds the plants for 30 days. I plan on running out to my local hydro store this weekend to grab myself some :)
Thank you for the welcome and thank you for the nute guidance! I aim to perfect the micro grow. How long with the FF Ocean Forest soil provide nutes for? Should I be supplementing with Grow Big anytime or is the soil good enough?

Nice big green bushy leaves bro! Foxfarms is the shit. Ive seen people use nothing but FF, no extra nutes, and still get a great yield at the end. Your best bet it just to watch your plants carefully, if they keep looking green and lush like they are, then why mess with it?


Well-Known Member
Hellrick, thanks for the heads up about FFOF, I'me still gonna veg for a couple more weeks so I think your right to I'll just let the soil do it's job run out at the end of veg and see how they're doing then Islandhigh, maybe Kick start it in a few weeks with the FF Big Bloom for flowering? It's crazy they are doing, these bagseed beauties are hopefully are girls. The stems on the two biggest are easily as fat as a Sharpie. I'll post more pics before I flower to get some opinions. I already topped all plants once and all have two great new branches out of each one, can I, how do I, and should I, top these two to get four tops or would this not be wise to do if I'm aiming for a short bushy compact grow?
Hellrick, thanks for the heads up about FFOF, I'me still gonna veg for a couple more weeks so I think your right to I'll just let the soil do it's job run out at the end of veg and see how they're doing then Islandhigh, maybe Kick start it in a few weeks with the FF Big Bloom for flowering? It's crazy they are doing, these bagseed beauties are hopefully are girls. The stems on the two biggest are easily as fat as a Sharpie. I'll post more pics before I flower to get some opinions. I already topped all plants once and all have two great new branches out of each one, can I, how do I, and should I, top these two to get four tops or would this not be wise to do if I'm aiming for a short bushy compact grow?
You can top em again the same way you topped it the first time, thats up to you. You could also try lst which would probably be better for a short bushy grow. Check out LBH's tutorial here, its pretty good


Well-Known Member
Hey Island,

This is an awesome link thanks man. I will be trying my next grow. Great pictures and very simple instructions.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the reply Cheeba!

Help! I woke up this morning and checked on my girls. 2 out of three of them have yellow spots on their bottom fan leaves. and the leaves appear to be drying out. I've attached some pictures. Does anyone know what this is? Should I trim them or what? Any input is greatly appreciated. They are being fed straight water that has sat out and been allowed to reach room temp. I'm watering every 3-4 days. All ph ranges are perfect and no nutes besides what's in the soil.



Active Member
so you've been phing water at 5.5? what are your temps at in there exactly? leave the leaves alone dude, so far the damage is minimal so. i never trim my leaves every even when they look fucked up i let them fall off on their own. maybe try adding alittle veg nutes to them other than that i would wait it out and see what comes of them so far damage is not bad at all so i wouldnt worry

also, every 3-4 day watering you may want to learn how to read your plant's dryness by feeling how heavy the pot feels to you and sticking your pinky in the soil pretty far down you will be able to judge the wetness, sometimes they dry up faster than you would think or maybe they are too wet and you over water them...not saying this is your problem for sure just something to think about


Well-Known Member
so you've been phing water at 5.5? what are your temps at in there exactly? leave the leaves alone dude, so far the damage is minimal so. i never trim my leaves every even when they look fucked up i let them fall off on their own. maybe try adding alittle veg nutes to them other than that i would wait it out and see what comes of them so far damage is not bad at all so i wouldnt worry

also, every 3-4 day watering you may want to learn how to read your plant's dryness by feeling how heavy the pot feels to you and sticking your pinky in the soil pretty far down you will be able to judge the wetness, sometimes they dry up faster than you would think or maybe they are too wet and you over water them...not saying this is your problem for sure just something to think about

Hey man thanks for the quick reply, My water ph's the same as my soil at 6.5-6.7. I don't have a thermometer in the grow box unfortunately but I do have an ac with ventilation to keep the temp down. I don't think this would be temp related because my top foliage is nice and green. I have been foliage misting lightly every day to every other day with 24x7 lights. Perhaps that has something to do with it? if I had to guess I would say inside the grow is probably 75 Fahrenheit, give or take a few degrees.


Dude those yellow spots look like its from you misting your plants. Water standing on your leaves will act like a magnifying glass and cause those yellow spots.
I never mist my plants. I just add a little bowl of water in front of my fan to raise the humidity.

Oh and get a thermometer with all 8 of my 23 watt cfl's running in my box the temp has gotten as high as 102 in my box with a small fan running and we keep the house temp at 72