Pics of plants


Active Member
i think there fine...the purple stems dont really mean anything is wrong with the plant to the best of my knowledge

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
Hey there FoxFarm,
How old are your plants? More info would be a great help. A lot of times, when a plant is young it will have purple stems but it will go away. If it is an older plant and has been flowering for weeks and weeks, and then you get purple stems. I would look into this.

How much fox farm and how aften are you feeding? Are you flushing your plant every other week or so? What is the PH of the Nuts and water, and what is the PH of the Run off.. (the water that comes out the bottom of the plant. PPM on that is very helpful also.

How long have you been in flowering?


Well-Known Member
I'm in about 2nd week of flowering, I amgiving them the recommended amounts of nutes every other watering, Ph is at about 7 maybe a little under.

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
Foxfarm, is this your first grow? If so you really have some nice plants. First crops are very hard to get to produce. Looking at your plants I would say you do not have enough light. What kind of light do you have?


Well-Known Member
Yeah 1st grow. I have a 400w hps. I have a 6 inch exhaust fan with charcoal filter, I also have a 4 inch intake. I am using sunshine mix 4.

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
Sorry, I can not help you at all on those brands of nuts. But as for a first crop. You are doing very well. I really had thought there was a problem with not enough light. But then again HPS lights are really for flowering stage. If you used the HPS for vegging stage, next time try a few CFLS to go along to give the plants a mix of light spectrums. Or if you have a changeable light.. Meaning some lights can run both Metal halide and High pressure sodium bulbs.. get a MH bulb for veg. Other then that you seem to be doing a nice job.


Well-Known Member
Yeah your plant looks a bit low on nitrogen. Schedual should say to give it some grow big soon, so that should fix it.

Goodluck mate = )