Pics! Weird smell? Mold?


Hi RIU crew, so I get a weird kind of moldy smell sometimes and I was inspectin my ladies to think this is my first grow I wouldn't even know what/where to look!? Is it like food mold? Couldn't find any good pics of this. What so you all think! Thanks!


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Besides what I have, no not at all like I said it's my first go at it there was a moldy smell in my bedroom and I got worries is all!
the risk of getting mold increases later in the flowering you are as buds get fatter . RH plays a big role here . you can't have humidity too high during night cycles . you need to check every budsite closely. mold starts from inside of the buds so it's hard to detect . look for fuzzy looking shit .. you'll know if you see it
Sweet man thanks! I really am not sure, some spots look like it maybe but I always thought it was a bunch of trichs gathered in one area. Will it be a completely different color than the trichones