Pictures I took from my beach house in Fort Morgan, Alabama (Gulf Shores).


Well-Known Member
These were all taken last summer. I go every summer (try to..).

It's pure serenity down there. Beautiful..

Enjoy! :eyesmoke:

I have plenty more from 2006. Also, the reason my beach house is fucking Pink is because if you look at when I was down there.. 2006.. that's the first time I had gone down there.. and was also the exact day I purchased that house. It's painted now though.. I took care of that the same week I bought the house. I'm not trying to rock out in a pink house.. :| ya dig?



Well-Known Member
Looks nice, but how are the plates on ur truck :o
Yeah I had to register my truck in fuckin Arkansas since I was technikly "living" there. Arkansas has crappy rules.. they told me that if I was going to live/stay here for more than six months.. that I had to register my truck there. Therefore I had to put Arkansas tags on my truck.. it sucked. I still ran my NJ tag on the front though.

Now that I'm back to home base in Jersey.. I threw the Arkansas tag right into the freaking ocean. It's retarded that they make you do that.. but New York is the same way.. they got the same rules across the bridge in NY.. which again is retarded kinda. But its all good.. I understand why they have the rules that they have.

So as far as anyone reading the tag on my truck.. I don't think I should worry too much. But just to be safe.. I think I'll delete that picture.. edit the pic so I can blackout my tags... then re-upload the picture to the server.

Thanks for pointing that out to me Ninja!!! That chick in the pic looks a little too young for me.. (if she's under 18.. its jailbait for me).. im 28 years old. I'd hit that tho.. if she's 18+. I like my ladies to have a little more cushion on their bones though. She looks almost anorexic to me. Cute though.

Thanks again Ninja! peace.


Well-Known Member
Pictures in this post.. are from my home town of Belmar, NJ. Or.. most people refer Belmar NJ.. as being Bradley Beach, NJ. Either way.. here are some pics from up here.

Pictures were taken with my Nikon D90 SLR Digital camera. Yeah.. she's a pretty fucking sweet camera. Enjoy! :blsmoke:..:peace:

