Pictures of shrooms.


Now i innoculated a brf/verm substrate in a couple jars, and even did some in shot glasses to see if it colonized faster. Answer yes ofcourse but when i pyt the shot glass size cake in the fc it produce small caps n stems, is this due to the small size cake or do is it lack of FAE???? any advice is much aprreciated.First grow.



Well-Known Member
I'm a novice at mushrooms, so take my 'advice' with a grain of salt. It looks like you didnt do a dunk n roll, which is pretty important for filling the mycellium up with a lot of water to produce big shrooms. Little bits of mycellium produce little shrooms, bigger cakes bigger shrooms. I had a few cakes that I broke into smaller pieces to see what they would do, and they didnt fruit at all and its been about 2 weeks since they were put in the terrarium..... Using 1/2 pint just like you.

A guy here zero will probably chime in, he's a great helper on the shroom side.


any advice is good advice to me RK thankz. Yea i think your right bout the smaller pices of mycelliyum producing smaller mushrooms. I forgot to post this flick....capn em.jpg


Well-Known Member
I do 4oz cakes to get good mycelium growth and then cut them to spawn to other cakes, but I tryed to fruit one recently and I got nothing from it, same mycelium on the larger jars and I got these

check further in to see other flushes and other cakes also

I think the dunk and roll is important for larger and more flushes, but I think some people skip it the first time(not me)


Well-Known Member
The only way I can grow big ones is doing big tubs, tiny cakes is always going to play off yield for speed.


Well-Known Member
Hey ANC is around still.......................... :) Whatever happened to that really good pf tek thread that everyone abandoned?


Well-Known Member
View attachment 1158051Pics of shrooms...Heres some pics of shrooms!

View attachment 1158050

As for your grow; You first need to get the cakes from off from the top of that perlite. If youre to cheap to buy some lids, square up some tin foil and put some damp vermiculite on the bottom. Keeps the cakes off the 'ground' and adds a casing layer to the bottom. What are your temps? Humidity? How many times are you fanning? Any lights? You need to provide more information if you expect to have someone answer your problem.


Well-Known Member
temps are 74 and 90% humidity, all cakes are on the jar lids. I fan the tubs daily about 4 or 5 times and mist them every time I fan them. By fanning, I wave the lid over the tubs to get the existing air in the tubs to recirc out. There's also of course about 100 holes in each tub on all six sides and the tubs are lifted off the shelves by two piece of wood so the underneaths have fresh air circulation. Light-wise I have a veg 96w T5 light that is over sprouts in the middle of the room. All the tubs and cakes can see the light, but it isnt shining directly on them of course.........

Not sure if your question was to me but here's the info anyway incase I'm doing something wrong! :)

Question - if a cake doesnt fruit after its been dunked and rolled and sits for 10 days, is the cake dead, or should I re-dunk and roll it again? After 10 days the cakes are a bit dry of course.