Pigs Fu**ing with me


Active Member
So I went to go check out my new grow spot "that I found using google maps" and on my way back from an hour and a half hike cops pulls up on the side of me on the highway. So I guess I was walking to close to the edge of the road, stupied shit. So Mr.Oink gave me a ride back to my neighborhood and that was that So other than the Pigs fucing with me my new grow spot is awsome!! My last 2 grow spots this year so far has been shity. Currently I have already lost 3 plants ad locations from flood to people finding my shit. So now I have to be very careful walking back there when I goto transplant my Tangerine Dream, or find an alternitive route. :weed:
If your really from florida, I've heard they treat weed their like crack...lol....Doesnt really sound like they were fucking with you man, seems like they were pretty cool giving you a ride and all....good luck with your grow...
If your really from florida, I've heard they treat weed their like crack...lol....Doesnt really sound like they were fucking with you man, seems like they were pretty cool giving you a ride and all....good luck with your grow...

Thanks Bro, yeah they were preety cool all and all. and yeah weed = crack in florida it sucks. I once got busted for a roach I think maybe 0.25 of a gram.
Thanks Bro, yeah they were preety cool all and all. and yeah weed = crack in florida it sucks. I once got busted for a roach I think maybe 0.25 of a gram.

i've been busted in my state for .o4 grams of weed.. it was like a paper's worth and a corner of a roach or less.. crazy small amount..
next time if u got something tell them no thanks im enjoying walking
most times if u get it a cop car even for a ride they say it is regulation to search u
lots of them offer rides just so they can search u
did he search u
No I haven't told anyone. But my plants are outside. And I have a couple that aren't too far from here. I concluded they were just doing paperwork.
They're all still seedlings, and quite a ways into the woods. The only way they could know is if they drew a conclusion as a result of my coming and going. But I am usually pretty timely about things and rather cautious.
next time if u got something tell them no thanks im enjoying walking
most times if u get it a cop car even for a ride they say it is regulation to search u
lots of them offer rides just so they can search u
did he search u

Actually no he did not search me but you have a good point, I think next time I will tell the coppers I'll walk.
Say man a cop just pulled up infront of my house and sat there for literally 30 minutes. *glances nervously*
Yeah, I live right off of the highway here about 100 yards and every time a truck drives by on the highway it sounds just like a helicopter flying around
They're all still seedlings, and quite a ways into the woods. The only way they could know is if they drew a conclusion as a result of my coming and going. But I am usually pretty timely about things and rather cautious.

Yeah I think I'm going to start only going back to my grow spot late at night, since I have to walk down the side of the highway. Wish me luck next week when I have to take my Tangerine Dream back there to transplant!!
Thanks Bro, yeah they were preety cool all and all. and yeah weed = crack in florida it sucks. I once got busted for a roach I think maybe 0.25 of a gram.

Did they search you? If not, they why would you be lucky? Didn't seem like it mattered either way... I will give you that most cops are ass holes, but there are a few that are still human and have a general interest in protecting and serving a community.
Did they search you? If not, they why would you be lucky? Didn't seem like it mattered either way... I will give you that most cops are ass holes, but there are a few that are still human and have a general interest in protecting and serving a community.

No he did not search me surprisingly, first thing I said to the cop was "I did not know it was Illegal to walk down the side of a highway". According to the cop you have to walk about 10 feet from the road. The cop dropped me off and a bunch of people saw me getting out of the back of the car. Now people in my neighbor probably think I'm a under cover.....
My motto is don't be afraid of the police even if your doing something your not suppose to. Im willing to goto jail for my beliefs not that I want to goto jail but if you allow your fear to control you, then you are giving up your power to it. Don't allow the system to control you by fear.
i've been busted in my state for .o4 grams of weed.. it was like a paper's worth and a corner of a roach or less.. crazy small amount..

I had to do the pre trial intervention "P.T.I." and pay about 1,000$ in fines for less than a half of a gram. There were 3 piss tests that I passed with flying colors mean while the whole time I was still smoking. HAha Fu**ers