Pineapple Express Hash Transformation Pics


Well-Known Member
Here's some fun photos of hash transformation.

This started out as around 12 oz of fresh Pineapple Express high quality trim. I did two 15 minute washes, and caught everything between 45 and 120 microns (well, I caught the 25 too, but dumped it into the butter pot). I use Matt Rize's Ice Hash methodology to process, microplaning it after 24 hours in the fridge. The microplane cured for a couple of days in the fridge, periodically getting chopped up with a small offset spatula. Next, it was scraped into the jar you see in the first pic, and cured for two days in the jar. What you see in pic #1 is what it looked like after having been mixed every 8-10 hours while curing. As you can see from pic #2, it was still a mixture of trichomes and plant matter, not particularly well-blended.

Next, I process according to Frenchy's methodology. It was rolled out and folded a total of seven times using a heavy glass bottle filled with 170 degree water. Pic #3 shows what it looked like after the final pressing. As you can see from macro #4, it is *much* more uniform, and I can tell a marked difference in the flavor and smoothness of the hit from it compared to the unpressed hash.

Thanks Matt, thanks Frenchy.



