Pineapple Express Plant problem.. Nute burn ???

Hi, been growing for a while now but only from cutting's.. ( clones ) .. just started 6 pineapple express from seed and am starting to see signs of the leaves cupping upwards and slight brown specles on some of the leaves as you will see on the picture, they have been having coca A and B , Plant Magic Boost and plant magic Catalsym Foliac Spray.. Is this a sign of Over nuting or something to do with my PH level ?? not sure, Help would be appreciated, Thanks..pine 1.jpgpine 2.jpg


Well-Known Member
I would just be using weak grow nutes at this stage, ph5.8 if thats coco. No need for boost or spraying with anything imo. You might be over doing it. Just finished a few pineapple express myself with plant magic nutes in coco, very good strain and nice smoke mate.