pissed off


Well-Known Member
ok so i have light green/yellow patches on my leaves and someone recommended to stop spraying them during the day as this could cause a lensing effect from my 600w hps so i stopped doing that and only spray once at the beginning of the dark period and they seem to be doing fine... EXCEPT now the leaves are curling slightly on the edges, why the f**k is this happening??
please help


Well-Known Member
what are you spraying them with if your using straight water stop. it does nothing but wilt your hairs early if using foliar spray i would only use it when the lights go off and have proper air circulation so mold want grow. Spraying plants under artificial lights tends to burn them but it is only my opion on the post keep growin


Well-Known Member
i agree with kelly, but that doesnt answer the question.

it could be because they are going from being wet to dry durring the day. think of it like a clone, they are in very humid conditions, when they are put in dryer ones they have to be watched and eased into it so they dont just dry up. im sure they will shoot back to health.

otherwise it could be light damage, streas (of any kind), or just over nuting.


Active Member
my guess is over nuting or stress, but wot glassfreak says makes alot of sense, if you suddenly change da moisture levels during the light periods then your obvously gona effect the hummity and if your plants are use to a certain level of hummity and you suddenly take that away from them your gona stress them.


Active Member
shit forgot to say dnt spray they wiv da light on especially a 600 its madness. if ya wanna to keep da hummity up try putting a bowl of water in the grow room. gud anywayz and try and get us sum pics it will make it easier 4 us to tell