Pissing on your plants


Well-Known Member
I have known people to piss in a bucket until its full, then water there garden with the piss.

Does piss have nutrients in it?

Would it be good to water your cannabis plants with piss?


Well-Known Member
Its supposed to be a good fetalizer but it has to be watered down you cant just take a piss on your plant and expect it will do good. and if you flush right it shouldnt taste like it. I personally havent tried it and wouldnt but each to his own.


Well-Known Member
yeah you can water it with piss because its high in Nitrogen with the added benefit of it being Organic so you dont get Nute block..or summat like that. You need to dilute it tho, about 8oz to the gallon and if your growing indoor do it could smell abit...:blsmoke: